Author has written 10 stories for My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Fairy Tail, and Edens Zero/エデンズゼロ. Hi, I'm Water Lock I have been writing for a long time in Spanish with the nickname Ikhny Shy, but recently I started to translate my stories with the help of Beta Readers to also publish them in English. We started with One Shots of Boku no Hero Academia and then some of Fairy Tail, but from today I began to translate a longfic for the first time! I'm very excited about that! I will publish first in Spanish and will take approximately one week to translate and edit each chapter to publish in English. I hope you like my stories. It takes some time to translate and publish them, but I am learning a lot and I enjoy it very much! Any questions, do not hesitate to write to me by MP. I will do my best to answer them as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting my profile! |