Author has written 1 story for Stargate: SG-1. Hey my name is StarDust717. I am 20 and I have lived in America for the past 16 years. I love the show Stargate SG1. Or I did up until season nine. When they added Cameron Mitchell it killed it for me, just when it started to get really good. It’s a shame really, so that’s why I started writing fan fiction. 01-03-07 Sorry that it is taking me sooo long to get the next chapter up but writing is like pulling plots and twists out of your butt. You can say I have a bad case of constipation. (Writer’s block) Oct 18 2007 i know i know it's almost a full year later and still nothing. i took some pepto-bismol so my constipation should be going away soon! it's just working really slow |