![]() Author has written 14 stories for House, M.D., and NCIS. I hate these profile things. There isn't much I have to say about myself, which is sad. It means I'm a very boring person. Anyway, I'm Mia, a history major in Michigan. I love college and being on my own. I absolutely detest my hometown, since it's so small. I'm more of a big city gal. I love writing. Fanfic gives me an opportunity to flex my writing muscle. I actually think that fanfic can be harder to write than original fiction, since you have to stay true to characters everyone knows and loves while injecting them into a story of your own making. I write het, slash, femslash, pretty much everything as long as it's not something that squicks me out. Since NCIS is my main fandom, my ships include Gabby, Diva, Zabby, McNozzo, Giva, McTibbs, Tibbs, Gibbs/Ducky, Dabby, McGiva, Tiva, Jibbs, Tate, Tabby, McGee/Kate, and the occasional Kibbs story. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to ships, since there are so many combinations. Just don't ask me to write anything like non-con or anything equally squicky. D/s and kink is fine (just read some of my M fics), but please nothing that makes me feel icky. |