![]() Author has written 9 stories for Halo, Star Wars, and EndWar. I am Don Narively,of NJ, USA, formerly of Kerala, India. I Love Halo and Star Wars (Excluding all the mushy gushy crap). I chose Don113 as my pen name cuz I was born on the 13th of January (hence 1 and 13) and I thought Don113 would sound like John117. Neat, aye? A few things to remember: 1) I may not always operate according to canon, and I'll take a few liberties as I wish, so deal with it. If you can't, you shouldn't be on a fan fiction site. And for the last karking time, I don't give a damn whether storm trooper armor can canonically stop bullets. If an army of Teddy Ruxpins armed with goddamned rocks and sharp sticks can defeat a legion of storm troopers, then a 7.62 Full Metal Jacket round is sufficient to punch a hole in storm trooper armor. 2) I will welcome constructive criticism; I'm fully aware that my writing is far from perfect, and I'll welcome any chance to improve. However, I will not welcome ranting that has no purpose. If you don't like my stories, don't read them. And if you absolutely must express your criticism, do make sure you aren't being an arrogant ass about it. Oh, and proper grammar as well. And make sure that CAPS LOCK is off. 3) If you believe that I've plagiarized something of yours, please show me proof that I did. If true, I will immediately take steps to rectify my error. But an accusation without proof will be ignored. Completely. Themes don't count (ie, Earth vs Empire has been done before, etc). 4) I'm a college student, and I also suffer from occasional bouts of writers' block. Stories won't be updated regularly all the time. 5) If you'd like help with your stories, I will try to make myself available. My email is: don.narively@. Please put in a subject header that relates to this site or your story, or your message will be deleted. 6) That's my sandwich. 7) Dusel is a self-righteous chakaar who has a raging boner for Star Wars to the point that he can't abide my crossovers. Hope you enjoy my stories! A Note to all faithful readers: I understand that regular updates are what you want, but with college starting in earnest I cannot meet the deadlines you set. Fanfiction for me is increasingly becoming more and more of a side hobby as the work piles up. I will try in earnest to update all my stories, but it will have to be done whenever I have free time. Thank you for your patience, and my most sincere apologies to my readers. Don113 Halo/ Star Wars Crossover Series 1: (Clone Wars Era)Star Wars: Mysteries of the Forerunners (complete) THIS SERIES HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!!
(Clone Wars Era)Halo: The Clone Wars (working title, not yet started) Star Wars Series