Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Name: Phoenix or Nix Fandoms: Pairings: And those are just the ones I search for. I'll pretty much read any pairing, though. Queer as Folk: Gilmore Girls: Links: My FictionPress Profile- All of my original stories, no matter how bad they are, will be posted here. Stories: title - fandom - genre/pairing Completed In-Progress Upcoming Monday 1.23.2005 I just found most of my old fics, so I'll be posting them here. They aren't plagiarized(see author's note in Watching Sirius Sleep), and I don't want to get reviews saying that I stole them. I'm slowly getting back into the HP fandom. Writing-wise, at least. So you can expect a lot more out of me, and I'll be posting Seasons of Love within the next week or so. |
Ahja Reyn (10) | kungzoune (6) | Lady Jaida (71) |