Author has written 3 stories for Glee. Chi Chi Chi I should write something incredibly funny and appealing to you all but I won't try it because I'm fixing my profile at nine in the morning and all my wittiness has left me. It's true, I don't have a single sarcastic, intelligent or witty comment to add to this page at the moment so I'll just do it later. Please become satisfied with some information on my person. Read my stories, share them with your friends or let them inspire you to write your own stuff. Oh and send me links to new fiction pieces that are obsession-worthy. I love having something new to distract me from my life. Name : Chii Chi Chi Age : Nearing Eighteen Favorite Shows : Law & Order, Bones, Eureka, Pretty Little Liars, Glee, The Defenders, Fairly Legal. Favorite Books : Pretty Little Liars Series, Harry Potter Series, Gone, The Woman in the Wall, Brand New World, El Mio Cid and many more. Favorite Music Genres : Hip-Hop, Electronic-Hop, Ballad, Alternative Rock, Pop Punk, Pop Rock, Musicals Favorite Pairings : These are not organized by order of preference. Glee Kurt - Mike, Kurt - Sam, Kurt - Artie, Kurt - Puck, Kurt Blaine Finn - Rachel Santana - Brittany, Artie - Brittany Tina - Artie, Tina - Mike Will - Holly Holliday Harry Potter Harry - Draco, Harry - Luna, Harry - Ginny Albus - Severus Hermoine - Ronald Pretty Little Liars Emily - Maya Aria - Ezra Bones Brennan - Booth Currently Working on : Chapter Four of Thirteen Ghosts -- The Loop |