Poll: Topic: My fanfiction "The Grey Jedi: Ahsoka Tano's Life Story" Question: Should Ahsoka team up with Nyx Okami again? Vote Now!
Author has written 5 stories for Star Wars, Hunger Games, and Web Shows. I love being creative, so I started my account on this site to become a member of the many amazing writers. I believe that no one is bad at anything, everyone has their own unique way of doing something. So if you say I'm bad at writing, or I don't know what I'm doing, I'll take it as a compliment to improve my writing. However, that does not mean it is okay to leave comments like, "Your writing is stupid." It should look more like, "Your character needs more development." That's how I enjoy seeing negative comments. And don't be petty and post hate on a Guest account. That's stupid. Show who you are and don't let anyone tell you what to be. Follow me on FictionPress.Com @ Cornbread43VA! Read my first complete Star Wars fanfic called Ahsoka Tano: The Lost Apprentice. Read my best fanfic called The Grey Jedi: Ahsoka Tano's Life Story. |
NinjaGirl1117 (10) | star wars for Jesus (44) StarWarsNerdGirl (3) |