Author has written 9 stories for Gilmore Girls. Hey! Wow, ok, oy. The indubitable war treaty! You kicked her? My sweatshirt is pretty. Stell! Doogs! Aye whiz! We'll always have Paris. God, I wish I had X-Ray hands! The graceful fall! The graceful fall, all grown up! So, today is tomorrow and tomorrow is today? If I put your glasses on, will it hurt your eyes? Steeling Wheere! I sprinkled the carpet with floor! I sing when I'm bored. Blanche, you're crazy! "We're goin' courtin" big. So, 4 can't equal zero? Aretha, Aretha, I'm not worthy! I don't understand! As it should be. Start spreading the news... It's okay. You're not supposed to understand. AS IT SHOULD BE! lol... Love, "Stella!" |