![]() Author has written 68 stories for Roswell, Gilmore Girls, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek, Smallville, Everwood, Misc. Movies, 7th Heaven, Supernatural, Misc. Tv Shows, Dollanganger Saga, and Gossip Girl. A songwriter once sang that "there's beauty in the breakdown". I believe in this, for this is my life. This is what I feel with my whole heart, and this is what I write. My writing comes from my soul, and my soul is a black void that swallows pain and digests it slowly. I look around me and I see pain, I see death, I see emptiness. But sometimes there are sparks of hope. This is what my writing hopes to portray. It is only through life's struggles that we learn the point of surviving at all. Without loss, there would be no reason to gain. And if we gained forever, we'd be begging to lose. I carry post-it notes in my purse. I scribble jumbled thoughts onto them: Lorelai quips, blocks of Rory's childhood, the way Amy would decorate a room, Ephram's marriage proposal. I find my inspiration while out, anywhere, and make people pause so that I can fetch my sticky notes from my purse and jot down my writing idea. It's important, you see. For I am a writer, and if I don't write, I don't breathe any longer. I am very much into conventional couples. I'm not sure why exactly, except that my shows have been able to so easily convince me that their love is true, and I should believe in it. I find magic in canon. I enjoy reading pairings of all kinds, but as for me, I stick to home base. I strive toward beauty amid the pain. Feel my stories, feel them in your heart, and let me know that you have. My goal is to know that I can touch you the way these characters are able to touch me. http:///solemn/ http:///everfic/ http:///oblivion/ NEW SITE: '...Stray Upon a Muse' I want to thank everyone who's taken the time to read and review my stories; all of you who have taken them into your heart and added them to your favorites; everyone who's been patient as my stories are so slowly unveiled. My muse is a finicky thing, you see. She flits from here to there; she takes her time in bringing me my inspiration. But when I can finally pin her down, my goal is always to explore her to the fullest, and bring about the best possible version I can conjure. My stories take time, but my hope is that the substance is enough to keep you for as long as it takes. Thanks for being a part of it all, |