Author has written 4 stories for Teen Titans, Inuyasha, and Harry Potter. 12/20/06: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... Sorry for the lacking of updates for Running Scared. Really sorry!! I-- we know that a lot of you are all eagerly waiting for an update and unfortunatley that probably wont be up before the new year. Well, there is a reason for that, a good reason (we) hope. We kinda lost the story and we haven't been able to find it since our last udate. It is nowhere to be found in my house, so we're expecting that its at Irish's house and we need to go searching there for it. Before we do that though, I have to do this huge assignment for Photography and I have to have it 100 done before we get back from break. I know we're probably losing a lot of readers because no updates, but if everyone could please wait patiently and bear with us while we look and find it then we would really appreciate it. As much as we try not to admit it, we are human, lol. So, again, we're really sorry and will try as hard as we can to get you guys an update before the first of the year. I keep telling Irish that we're going to be virtually pelted with rocks if we dont update, and she wont listen to me.. Ah, well, we'll try and try and try to update ASAP for you guys Happy Holidays (and enjoy celebrating whatever you happen to celebrate!) ~~DeclawedVampiricKitty Ok so here goes nothing on this whole profile thing. Let's see some general info well currently I'm 16 and living in the most boring place on earth. At least when it comes to entertaining a teenage girl. And yes if you couldn't tell from my penname and my obvious obsession with romance I am a girl. I'm also half-Greek so you may see some Greek words pop up in my stories from time to time. As well as Spanish which I take in school. I love using different languages in my stories they make it sound so much more poetic then English. Which I find to be some times lacking smooth melodic rhythms. I mean you can say some thing in Spanish and it can sound so beautiful were as the English translation can sometimes be lacking. Not to say English can't be poetic it can its just much more blunt then most languages is all. Anyway on a more personal note I'm really grateful for such an over whelming response to my writing. Which I must say it wouldn't be nearly as good if it weren't for my friend whom you should check out (JustAlostHopelessRomantic) I always bounce ideas off of her and also co-wrote running scared with. You really should be grateful to her as well because not only does she a co-writer and help me with ideas she's also my editor and believe me my stories would make absolutely no sense if she wasn't constantly tweaking them here and there. I can't think of anything else to say right now might change that latter but feel free to e-mail me if you have questions. |