![]() Author has written 12 stories for Teen Titans, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Blood+, and Peter Pan. Hello everyone In memory of Tory of wicked Fire :( Name: as far as y'all are concerned its stargazer528 date of birth: not relevant address: don't even ask sex: female penname: stargazer528 (new penname) I am just going to say this... i am very, very, very disappointed with the Avatar people! NO ONE EVEN LIKES MAI! A LOT MORE PEOPLE LIKE ZUTARA THEN ZUKO AND MAI I MEAN COME ON SHE HAS THE EMOTIONS OF A PLANT! EVEN I SHOW MORE EMOTION THAN THAT AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING! I WANTED KATARA AND ZUKO TO HOOK UP NOT MAI AND ZUKO OR KATARA AND AANG! AND ANOTHER THING AANG AND KATARA WHAT WERE THEY THINKING THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE THAT PAIRING! I ALMOST PUKED WATCHING THEM BE ALL LOVEY DOVEY WITH EACH OTHER XP THERE SHOULD BE NO ROMANCE BETWEEN THOSE TWO THEY ACT MORE LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER AT LEAST THAT'S HOW I FELT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD BUT I HATED THAT I HATED IT! But other than the nasty pairings i really liked the last Avavtars showings favorite shows: Inuyasha, Naruto, Teen Titans, the food network yum, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Furturama, Kim possible, Kyle XY, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Blood , and many others favorite movies: X-men 1, 2 and 3, all four Inuyasha movies,The One, Father Goose (old movie some of you probably won't know it),and still many others Favorite pairings: RobxStar, RaexBB, CyxBumblebee, InuxKag, SessxKag, MirxSan, GaaraxSakura, NejixSakura, NarxHinata, InoxShika, TemxShika, InoxKiba, TentenxLee, SayaxHaji, KaixMai, DerekxChole, RaizoxMika Favorite bands: various interests things i hate (you might want a snack this could take awhile): people interupting me watching something cool, my 8th grade english teacher, stupid people, annoying people, sometimes people in general, the color bright pink or soft pink, teller marketers, sometimes snow, getting up early, BBxTerra pairings, NarakuxKag pairings ( you sick bastards), RavenxRed X pairings (same goes for you too), MaixZuko pairings, AangxKatara paitings, homework, the end of Teen Titans, onions, people who think they're better than everyone else, stalkers, overly dramacitc people, and other such things favorite colors: blue, black, purple, red, silver My favorite quotes: Teen Titans- Cyborg singing a song. "When there's trouble you know what to doooooo. CALL CYBORG! He can shoot a rocket from his shooooooe. Cause he CYBORG! Too too too doo or somthing like! Na na na na na big fluffy cat! That's right!" King of the Hill- "Damn it Dale we live in Texas its already a hundred and ten degrees, and if it gets one degree higher I'll kick your ass." Stargate SG1- Carter: “the fate of the galaxy is hanging in the balance and you’ve been sitting in your truck finishing this?” (a crossword puzzle) O’Neill: “I believe it was double or nothing…” Carter: “Oook…23 across the atomic weight of boron…the answer ten…” O’Neill: “yeah…” Carter: “you wrote the word fat…” Peter Pan- “To live would be an awfully big adventure” G.K. Chesterton- “Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly” “Take away the supernatural and what remains is the unnatural” “Right is right, even if nobody does it, Wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong about it” Family Guy- Peter: "I have an idea...an idea so good my head would explode if I even began to realize what I was talking about..." My shirt: "Drop the chocolate and nobaody gets hurt" Albert Einstein- "Learn from Yesterday... Live for today...Hope for tomorrow My Favorite Quote: "A good friend is someone who will bail you out of jail... a best friend is the person who will be sitting next to you in jail yelling 'THAT WAS AWSOME!' I'm friends with nightchild16 i have lots of friends but for some odd reson almost no social life sad i know i have a dog and no i not going to tell you her name so don't even ask ok well that's all i can think of that i want to tell you so... read my stories please! |