Author has written 6 stories for Fruits Basket, D N Angel, and Inuyasha. Rita:Hiya Peoplez!The three day expier thingie merbober is up and guess what... Itachi: You found out Kyo and Tohru kissed...(Itachi is an obvious Yukixtohru fan im the opposite) Rita: Me yeppers! Major spoiler: herehttp:///journal/archives/fruits_basket/122/30.jpg Itachi: It burns just to lookTT_TT Rita: Volume 13 comes out this week whoot! Itachi:Yay but you already read unreleased volume21 from that website Rita:#whispers#shut-up! Itachi: P Make me! Rita:#gets out duct tape# Itachi! Rita:heh...The most reliable source is duct tape when in need. Itachi:-_- mi jauf uiy.(translated I hate you.) |