Author has written 19 stories for Detective Conan/Case Closed, Inuyasha, Beelzebub/べるぜバブ, and Servamp/サーヴァンプ. Greetings. Hi there! My name is Naomi and I'm coming from Indonesia. Been a fanfiction fan since 2009, but have not had the guts to post the story. Mostly because I'm not confident with my English, especially in grammar XD I really like funny anime and funny anime couples, with strong-bond relationship such as Inuyasha x Kagome; Heiji x Kazuha; Tomoe x Nanami. The last couple I like are Oga x Hilda. Hmm, maybe the last couple is a bit hard to name as a couple, because they are the least romantic among the anime couple I've ever watched. Well, that's okay, I like them. They look cute together :D I also like Snape x Hermione relationship. I know, perhaps some of you think it's weird, but I prefer them rather than Hermione with Ron. In my opinion, they are more suitable. Sorry for all Ronald Weasley's fans. Lastly, I want to thank all who have taken the time to read my story. Especially who has reviewed and favorite it. Well, that's all from me. Once again, many thanks. Regards, Naomi.Di |