Author has written 2 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, and Book X-overs. L.F.I. HQ - (Lemony Fresh Inc.) Welcome to insanity. How may we help you? These musings are those of me and my cohort and BF, Mike (thoe i may call him Sonic at times). You have entered our realm of insanity, may it treat you well. If not, well, MaY tHe EvIL bUnNiEs AnD rAbId DoGs GET YOUS! MWAHAHAHAHA! ... Anyway... i hope you enjoy your stay. Byes! - P.S. We support any pairs, anywhere ((including MxM and FxF couples, even a few MxFxM XD)) so dont quash the rebellion! Oh and suggestions are taken anytime. nods |