Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Hello, I not good with information, so I tell what I do on here. Current Fanfics: Demonic Vessels(Naruto) You can either read my fics or check out other stories I have in favorites. Contact me if you have any questions. My updating is going to be very slow for awhile, I have way too many things to do. I am sorry in advance. Again, I'm incredibly sorry I haven't been plan is to start the final 8 chapters of Demonic Vessels (I have them written up...but no means of typing them (crappy computer doesn't have word )) as soon as I get my own private laptop, which will be at the end of the next school year, so mid-2008 Sorry about all the trouble and delay. I am also at this time writing a NaruSaku fanfic that is called Scions of Fate, that will be different in the sense that Naruto won't be god-awful powerful, but still powerful enough to WIN. Well, e-mail me if you have any comments, concerns, questions, all that jazz. |