Author has written 3 stories for Warcraft, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Warning: Do not expect my standard writing style beyond this point. I am, in fact, crazy, and my informal writing reflects it. Hello all. I finally updated my profile! (8/2/06) =) As you can probably tell, I'm rather new to writing fanfics at all (partially since I spend the majority of my time playing video games), but I hope you enjoy what I've posted and I'll try to update as much as I can for you guys. Story updates and ideas are at the bottom of the profile! Now a little about myself. /clears throat Name: Lauren Oh and...I finally got a screenname on MSN. XD I enjoy writing fantasy...a lot. Since 8th grade I've started and stopped various stories, never quite able to force myself to finish them. Lately, I haven't been writing at all so I think I'll get back into the swing of it while I can. While I had originally intended to work on the Benediction project before I began anything else, I stopped working on it for a while (mainly because my mind is other places. :P). Just recently, I was watching some Sonic AMV's, as I am a great fan of Sonic games, and the inspiration hit me to write a story. I am currently hard at work on that, and I love the plotline sooo much. (-grins-) I went to the store today to shop for my birthday present! I'm getting a graphics tablet, which means I will probably be opening a DeviantArt account soon. I can't draw with a mouse, but I can certainly draw with a stylus. :) Since you've gone through all the trouble to read my profile, I will now proceed to babble incoherently. Gasp I don't know what to write! T_T Help meeeeeeeeeeee... Random Quotes: I will list some more when I think of them, but for now I'll just list a silly one, a cute one, and something that I said... Silly quote! "You must chop down the tallest tree in the forest with...A HERRING!" -Scary music- Cute quote! "Anyway, I have something better than jewels that I'm thinking about right now..." Me being stupid. :( The following is a conversation I had in guild chat while playing World of Warcraft. A character named Necco had recently joined the guild. Me: "You know, Necco, your name reminds me of candy...I don't know why." It had been a tough day, in my own defense. I thought that her name was a type of candy at first (which of course it is), then got that confused with Mentos, then realized after I had said this in guild chat that Necco was in fact a type of candy... I decided it was time to reformat my site profile as well, since I am now writing a Sonic fanfic. Favorite Sonic Characters Rouge- I don't know why, but I absolutely adore Rouge. I think that the reason for this is a mix between her personality and her crush on Knuckles. I think that they're adorable together... :) Knuckles- Knuckles is cute. =O I really like his personality, and when he does have his naïve or stupid moments, it makes me giggle. Also...he totally belongs to Rouge! Tails- When I was younger, Tails used to be my favorite Sonic character (Currently, Rouge and Knuckles are my absolute favorites). I think it has something to do with his logic, abilities, and the fact that he's so cuuute. :) (But, strangely, I still think that Knuckles is cuter o_O) Shadow- Shadow is just plain awesome. I don't like when people pair him with Rouge though...I view their relationship as more of a brother-sister thing. Favorite Pairings KnuxRouge- They're meant for each other. Opposites attract, after all...and they're soooo cute! SonAmy- Or maybe I should say AmySon? Hmm...I like this relationship, but not in the conventional sense. I think that it's going to be a while before Sonic develops anything close to the feelings Amy wants him to have. ;) VecVanilla- This could also be cute. I think that money-hungry Vector plus the sweet Vanilla would make a great combination! SonAmyShad- Recently, I have grown quite fond of this love triangle. This can be quite interesting and fun to read. :) BokkunCream- Call me crazy, but I have ideas about this... Bokkun spending his time chasing after the little rabbit would be pure gold. :3 Meh, So-So Pairings TailsCream- It could be cute...They're both adorable and kind. :) Tailsmo- Even though they do have a relationship in Sonic X, Cosmo annoys me. Fics about this pairing can be very good, I'm just not a big fan of it. ShadowAmy- This is kind of meh for me because of Amy's feelings about Sonic and her determination, but it could still be kind of cute... _ I have seen some good fanfics on this and am considering switching it up to one of my favorites. CharmyCream- Meh, okay. They're both rather small and young, and this could be cute. Sonadow- I only like this if it's done incredibly well. Usually, I'm not a big fan of yaoi or yuri pairings. I have seen some great fics about this relationship in particular, though. EspioRouge- They do have their similarities, but I still say that Knuckles and Rouge belong together! I don't really understand this though... Hated Pairings ShadRouge- She likes Knuckles! Sonic Team has officially stated that she has a crush on him! (-scowls-) I think that Shadow is too...well...uninterested to actually have a "girlfriend," per se. (Well, of course there's Maria. ) KnucklesTikal- Once again, I'm just being bitter. Only Rouge for Knux! Another point is that Tikal has been pronounced dead by Sonic Team, and is literally very old. (In SA, the flashbacks that Knuckles has depict when the ancient echidna civilization was destroyed. She is a spirit within the Master Emerald!) KnucklesAmy- What? I still don't get this one...Amy is madly in love with Sonic, sillies. KnuxCream- I don't understand this one either. -.-; KnuxJul, SonSal, SonMina, etc. - I'm bitter about this. I don't really write about/like pairings with non-SEGA characters (Well...OC's can be okay...) if the Sonic Team character that they are paired with has found a match. Aka...ShadJul is ok. ;) SonicChris- -.- No. I hate Chris... SonKnux- This pairing bugs me. Knuckles has too much anger toward Sonic as a rival, and I just can't imagine this working out with someone like Knux. BigXAnyone- What? BIG? Froggy is his best buddy, but he seems, for the most part, too aloof to concern himself with relationships. EggmanXAnyone- -.- Eggman is too egotistic... Updates: 8/17/06- I finally got back to writing... But I didn't feel like working on TOTL. Therefore, I wrote the beginning of my VecVan oneshot...I'll try to finish it soon. Sorry to anyone who has tried to catch me on MSN over the past few days...I've been having a lot of difficult life issues come up, so I'm usually not at the computer anymore. :( 7/31/06- Posted Chapter 5 of The Only True Love right after midnight! Woot! I'm finally making good I'm taking today off from writing. Unless I work nonstop, there's no way I'm going to be able to post the chapter that I had originally wanted to on my birthday, so I'll have to settle for posting the next chappie of the story on that date. I also am updating my "story ideas" section with two Oneshot ideas. 7/28/06- I went to the beach today...and came back with a really, REALLY bad case of sunburn. Therefore, as I writhe in misery, I will continue to work on chapter 5. I'm literally as red as Knuckles, and I used sunscreen... :( 7/27/06- I'm currently writing chapter 5 of my KnuxRouge fanfic, The Only True Love. I also have some ideas about a new fic that I'm going to work on after this one is all done...or I might start earlier if I get bored. :D Stories/Ideas: The Only True Love - A producer intervenes in the life of Rouge the Bat. Meanwhile, Knuckles tries to recover the Master Emerald but finds himself caught up in the complex ordeal... My first Sonic fic, and it's a KnuxRouge! (Motivation: Very high, update coming soon!) Benediction - Warcraft fanfic about a priestess who makes an oath to her father upon his death. However, when love interferes, she is sent on a wild journey through Azeroth. Will she break the oath? (Motivation: Low...Don't know if I'm going to get back to it.) Working Title - When Eggman threatens to strike again, the Sonic crew rushes to his base. However, an unfortunate accident with chaos control leaves Knuckles and Rouge in a very...awkward situation. This story will be Humor/Romance if I ever choose to write it. Let's just say that those who love KnuxRouge silliness will love what my evil brain forces them to do. (-grins-) (Motivation: Extremely high...My ideas for this are perhaps the reason why I want to finish my first Sonic fic so quickly.) One Chance- Cuuute VecVanilla Oneshot about a day down at the beach. Team Chaotix takes a vacation to the shore and encounters some familiar faces. Meanwhile, Cream gets into a bit of trouble... This isn't a couple that I normally write about, but I was inspired during my day trip to the beach. Guaranteed to be cute! (Motivation: Fairly high. I want to get it done by the end of the month!) Dance with a Moonbeam - Sad KnuxRouge Oneshot. I don't want to reveal too much about this yet, but it's going to be a songfic if I can ever get the guts to piece my original song together. I won't reveal the plot yet, but think about the title...Can you dance with a moonbeam? (Motivation: Medium. I'm really excited about the story, but there's going to be a lot of effort involved in piecing this together. First, I'm going to write the lyrics for the song and compose the song itself. Then, I'm going to record my own voice and sing all of the parts separately, both melodic and harmonic, and combine them together in a sound mixing program. I know exactly how I'm going to go about doing this, and don't worry...I have a really good singing voice! It's just going to take a while...) |