Author has written 10 stories for iCarly, Big Bang Theory, and Big Time Rush.
Hey! Hi my name is Erika. I'm 19 years old and I live in Indiana. I used to use FanFiction to publish and read Harry Potter fanfiction but now I have found a new use for this account. I really love iCarly and the Seddie couple and plan to publish stories for the couple on here. I may upload some Harry Potter stories later but I'm not sure. Thanks for checking out my page and please read and review my stories.
So I know that everyone and their brother did this on Facebook, but I thought it would be fun to post on here. So! Here are 25 Random Facts about me. xD
1. When I find something that I really like I tend to obsess about it. Examples: Harry Potter, iCarly, the mockumentary Dorm Life (CHECK IT OUT!!), etc.
2. My hair changes color based on a couple of different factors: 1. how recently I have washed it, 2. what kind of shampoo I used, 3. if I blow dried it, and 4. what season it is. This is actually kind of interesting if you ask me. I have tons of pictures where I look like a total ginger and others where I look like I have the mousiest brown hair in the world.
3. I'm really big into being an early adopter. This means that I get into things before a lot of other people do. I had Twitter two years ago. I had Facebook in 2004. I joined this site in 2001! It's pretty cool to feel like one of the 'founding members' of something, but in all honest, I don't really use those sites until they get more popular. I usually just sign up and wait around 'till people start to like them.
4. I look like I'm 15 years old. No one ever believes me when I tell them that I'm 19. It kind of sucks actually. T_T
5. Switzerland is my favorite country.
6. I basically never wear makeup.
7. I'm a huge pack rat. I am always afraid to throw something away because someday I might really want it back!
8. I am pretty much the whitest girl in existence, but I can get down to some Lil Wayne and Jay-Z.
9. I have a list of things I want to do before I die. Some things on the list include: kissing Nathan Kress, learning how to drive a stick shift, and driving to Alaska.
10. I am really hard on myself and on other people. It's not a good thing.
11. I'm terrible at being a college kid.
12. I secretly love the show The Secret Life Of The American Teenager
13. I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up".
14. I have a hard time being friends with a guy without having a crush on him.
15. My sister is my best friend.
16. I think R-Patz is dirty looking. -_-
17. I always ship people who have relationships where they bicker all the time. (Ron/Herimone, Sam/Freddie, Derek/Casey, etc.)
18. I don't really like slash, but I love Drake/Josh.
19. I used to be really big into RP-ing. Somedays, I miss it.
20. My username for pretty much everything in the world is airekuh. If you want you can add me on LJ or twitter. I would like that. :D
21. I love boys. Too much. XD
22. I'm learning how to speak French! Oh and I speak German fluently.
23. I'm addicted to my cellphone.
24. I love postsecret.
25. I want to make new friends. MESSAGE ME!!