Author has written 32 stories for How to Train Your Dragon, Misc. Comics, Sing, 2016, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Hi people, it's FoxtrotTango543 here, and here's some information about me for all those people who'd like to know a little more about me: I'm 17 right now. I write mostly HTTYD fanfictions, along with maybe a bit of Arthur in the future. (When I was younger, I watched Arthur on TV a lot.) I live in the UK. I don't write fanfics rated M and I don't use swearing in my stories . . . much. Come on, people, if I'm not supposed to be reading it, what makes you think I should be allowed to write it? As far as OC's go, I have two of them. Their names are Brenna Bloodsword and Starlight the Night Fury, Brenna's dragon. They now feature in a story called Runaways that is currently still in the making. I do have an account on Fictionpress, but I spend more time here as that account hasn't really taken off yet, but I refuse to give up hope! (While I am on Fictionpress, my account name is WaspSt1ng, formerly Honeybee12. Recurring themes in my stories involve tickling (childish, I know, but I love to see people laugh), pranks on a colossal scale and dealing with jerks and/or bullies, because in a world where the ghost of spray-tan past runs the U.S.A, I should love everyone. Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid, My HTTYD ships:
My Sing! 2016 ships:
Personal fanfiction code of conduct: As of now, I don't write fanfics requested by somebody else if they're using a guest account. I usually write their name at the top or the bottom of the page to let the people reading it know that they requested this to be written. That, and I usually check out the accounts of the people who comment to see if they have the same fanfic-writing interests as me. If you see a character using hateful language or doing cruel things towards another of my characters, don't worry about it. I'll make sure it'll come back in spades sometime. It's not always immediate, it might take several chapters but that's karma for you. Revenge can be served hot, cold or liberally laced in laxatives. Whatever you want, really. Until later, Fanfiction lovers, farewell! |