Author has written 9 stories for Devil May Cry, Trigun, Captain America, and Pretty in Pink. Hey there, anyone who happens to check in. :) Long time no see, I know. I've been writing a novel, and that does tend to monopolize one's time. I know I've been remiss for a couple of years about finishing CoMorbidity, but I still just really love DMC, still really like the story, and frankly - I just hate leaving things unfinished. I also decided to revise both Consanguinity and CoMorbidity a little - no major surgery, just tightening up some bolts and clarifying a few things. I posted the updated chapters of CoMorbidity here, but so far have left up the original version of Consanguinity (will probably eventually replace it with the revised version, unless someone objects). Both revised versions will be up at Ao3 (Archive of Our Own). Once I'm done with CoMorbidity, I may even do a DmC fic. Different, sure, but I can make it work. ;) You are welcome to drop me a line, anytime, about anything. "When I am working on the book, it's for me and for you. When the book is done, it's mostly for you. Does it work? Only you can say." —Stephen Gammell |
Greekhoop (22) |