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Joined 08-29-16, id: 8219725, Profile Updated: 04-04-17
Author has written 4 stories for Witcher, Mass Effect, and Fate/stay night.

Quick information for those of you bored enough to want to know the basics about me. 15 year old Male. I live in Montana. I write a variety of stories. Most don't get published since their more for me, embarrassing stuff like harem stories or simply things I only want to write a bit of and don't want to continue writing. I tend to prefer detailed Alternate History stories or stories that go into a lot of detail. Favorite fandoms are A Song of Ice and Fire, Dragon Age, Fate, Highschool DxD, Fairy Tail, Naruto, and Mass Effect.

Okay, I'm really into Mass Effect right now. However I'm really into big Alternate Universes or Alternate History stories. There a few too many Mass Effect stories where everything is the same, basically just novelizations of the game. While some of those are fine, reading story after story where the only differences are writing style and that particular Shepard gets a bit annoying. A lot of the stories with an alternate First Contact situation also tend to be a bit too heavy on the pro-human angles for my taste. So I'm going to list several ideas, both those that I'm personally writing right now and some I'm putting out there in a, very likely vain, hope that someone else will write them.

Stories I'm Currently Writing

Title: For Want of a Beacon

Summary: For want of a beacon, a race was lost. Because the race was lost, a council was lost. Because a council was lost, peace was lost. Because peace was lost, chaos ensued. Because chaos ensued, even an ancient plan went off course.

Premise: An earthquake on Thessia forty thousand years before canon destroys the prothean beacon. When the asari venture into space, they prove suspicious and cautious of the mass relays. They watch them first, which allows the salarians to reach the Citadel first. When First Contact ensues, the salarians believe their superiority and attack instead of establishing the Citadel Council. Yes, this is a story where the council never formed. Thus instead of peaceful stagnation, the galaxy experienced chaotic warfare.


Massive alternate history. Different humanity largely based on Halo humanity. Non canon technology like slipspace travel, Directed Energy Weapons, etc. Very powerful nonhuman species. Violent, fractured galaxy. Underdog humanity. Slight crossovers with Halo, Fallout, and maybe a few others.

Current Progress: I currently have a 30,000 word timeline that extends all the way to 2300's.

Title: Clash of Galaxies

Summary: A giant whole in space was obvious disconcerting for all the races. Finding out it lead to an alternate dimension where there's another humanity in a desperate war against a theocratic conglomeration of species was incredible and worrying. A entire Citadel fleet ending up trapped there...well, that just sucked!

Premise: Like a week after the Battle of the Citadel, the Covenant accidentally open a temporary wormhole from a malfunctioning experimental slipspace drive. A chaotic battle ends with several Citadel fleets stuck in the Haloverse, where they are forced to work with the UNSC for survival.


The Citadel races actually matching the Covenant technologically (tired of all the stomp fics in the Mass Effect/Halo crossover). John Shepard taking the place of Master Chief. Detailed technological mashup. Occurs in 2551 in Haloverse, during the war. UNSC learning from Council races and Alliance humans.

Current Progress: Spent a massive amount of time writing accompanying pieces doing technological matchups between Council, Covenant, and UNSC.

Stories I Hope Others Write

Crossover: Mass Effect x Fallout

Summary: They raised us up when we were laid low by our own failings. Now dark creatures from Dark Space wish to lay them low. That we shall not allow. If the Reapers want to harvest this cycle, they'll learn just how destructive humanity can be.

Premise: Rather than all those stories where Fallout humanity achieves space travel on its own before coming into conflict with the Citadel races, this is a story where the Citadel Races uplifted the remnants of humanity from the destroyed Earth. In return, humanity becomes zealous supporters of the Citadel Council. Humans set out to replay that debt by ending the cycle once and for all.


A humanity uplifted and intensely loyal to the Citadel Council. Cerberus being its usual self, a pro-human/human supremacist organization. All Council races having access to Fallout tech.

Crossover: Mass Effect x Fallout

Summary: They needed us, and we needed them. Everyone benefited from the uplift. Yet even now it may not be enough.

Premise: A story based during the Rachni Wars. Rather than uplifting the krogan, the Council uplifted another warlike species that brought down a nuclear apocalypse down on their heads. Fallout humanity. Is humanity enough to turn the tides, and defeat the overwhelming rachni?


Story based during Rachni War. Turians being introduced somehow. Reapers aren't a concern at this time. Proliferation of Fallout tech to all Citadel races.

Crossover: Mass Effect x XCOM 2

Summary: XCOM was meant to beat extraterrestrial threats to defend humanity. However twenty years ago it failed, and now it might require cooperation with new aliens to defeat he Ethereals and save Earth. Is XCOM up to it?

Premise: The Citadel Council learns of the Mars beacon from prothean databanks, and send a expedition to travel there through traditional FTL travel. However the ship is shot down by ADVENT forces, and only a last minute rescue by XCOM prevents the crew from being slaughtered. An uneasy partnership is formed between the two groups to work together to defeat ADVENT as XCOM wants to free Earth and the Citadel expedition members have no hope of returning until ADVENT is defeated.


Based during the events of XCOM 2. XCOM gains access to Citadel tech. XCOM forced to work with aliens. Shepard is the Commander (duh). Preferably the Citadel expedition inludes canon characters like Liara, Wrex, Garrus, etc.

Really not expecting much. I know I've got way too many potential ideas to consider taking up those of other authors, but I was bored and figured, why not? If you are interested PM me...or don't. I don't really care. Hope I planted a few ideas for a bit more 'out of the box' ideas for Mass Effect stories.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Walking the Path Less Traveled reviews
Among the possibilities of life, there are times that a Saber might give up his chance at life for a homunculus. Naturally, that means there are times when such is avoided. These stories need to be told just as much, and may be even more important. Siegfried-centric Great Holy Grail War.
Fate/stay night - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 42,344 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 105 - Updated: 7/7/2018 - Published: 5/1/2018 - Astolfo, Jeanne d'Arc, Mordred, Siegfried/Saber of Black
A Loss Keenly Felt reviews
Revived or not, Shepard's death had lasting consequences. It's too easy to forget that those close to him spent two years trying to recover from the hole he left in their lives. In some cases, doing so would form a hole in Shepard's life. Male Shepard and Sara Ryder pairing.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,038 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 49 - Published: 4/1/2017 - Shepard, OC, Alec R., Sara Ryder
Time to Fight a War reviews
Commander Shepard was a soldier, possibly the best soldier humanity ever produced. However a mere soldier doesn't save the galaxy. Soldier, Spectre, Leader, Peacemaker, Negotiator, Savior. He was all of these. Good, because it will take all of his numerous talents to combat the Reapers…And more. Thankfully he has made numerous friends to assist in that regard. Mass Effect 3.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 15,619 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/22/2016 - Garrus V., Liara T'Soni, Shepard
A Dream of Two Witchers reviews
They always found each other. Whether through destiny, love, or something deeper. They always found themselves together. So why is them being together only a dream? Geralt/Ciri pairing.
Witcher - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,861 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 56 - Published: 9/2/2016 - Geralt of Rivia, Ciri - Complete