Author has written 4 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Kingdom Hearts. A little bit about me... Hi! my name is Alex, my birthday is July 30, and I love to write! Things I love: Ramen, Doctor pepper (My anti-sleep), FF VII, Furi Kuri: FLCL, writing, reading, computers, and geek stuff. (like the T-shirt that says ' And the geek shall inherit the earth'.) Things I hate: Writer's block, spam, my really bad teeth (Thanks alot dad), traveling (Because my parents are devorced and live 83 miles apart so I have to pick up and move every weekend), and all the jocks at school who make fun of me because I AM A GEEK AND I'M PROUD. (I'm talkin' to you Aron Schowbel) I'm a guy, (Even though no body thinks so) I have red hair, I'm kinda tall kinda short, I'm double jointed in most of my fingers, I have huge feet, wait you didn't need to know that, did you? and have a sometimes cruel sense of humor. Here are some of my favorite couples in order from favorte to least favorite. Yuffie + Vincent Tifa + Vincent Riku + Yuffie Sephroth + Areis Sora + Kogome Cloud + Yuffie And Sora + Yuffie I like changing the roles or personalities ( and gender in extreme cases) of charcters in any thing. Current progects: 7 days of chaos; when the chaos demon takes over Vincent's body at Yuffie's house all heck breaks loose, FF7 fic. major Yuffentine. The Beast within; Cloud finds a way to revive Aeris but is turned into a half-lion half-man thing. (FFVII) The Dragonruler, OC PARTY |