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Joined 07-03-16, id: 8028425, Profile Updated: 08-30-16
Author has written 1 story for Greek Mythology.


I'm Jeff..the llama, obviously.

I'm just an ordinary fanllama (:D) who likes to draw, write, and READ!!! Especially fiction, fanfiction coming second. They intrigue me, as they probably do you. (Is that even grammatically correct?!) I'm more obsessed with the sass god's, Rick RIordan's (XD! I always thought it was REordan, but apparently, it's RIordan), work, preferably being Percy Jackson. Gods. Percy motherducking(:D) Jackson. That series is awesome. It got me to practically elope with Greek Mythology.

So, obviously, me being a fanllama, I ship things right? Right?

DUH! There's Percabeth, there's Romangers, there's SM/WW, but best of all, there's POTHENA! Pothena is my life. You'll see a fit load of Pothena up in here! So brace yourself!

Jeff the Llama :D

P.S. It's totally not weird to ship Artemis and Apollo, or Hermes and Demeter, or Ares and Nike. No dear. I'm a fanllama. I make up crazy fit. :D And my ships fuel my immortal ichor!!!!!!

P.S.S. Have fun!!

P.S.S. Cursing is my foretay. However that's spelled. As you can see, I'm trying to keep it safe. At least, here I am.

The Humor Within Books reviews
A story in which Poseidon goes batshit crazy over a book and practically murder Olympus' precious baby, Heracles. (The book is Goddess Girls' Athena the Brain.) Total Pothena.
Greek Mythology - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 789 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/30/2016 - Athena, Heracles, Poseidon - Complete