Author has written 22 stories for Animorphs, Angel, Dark Angel, Smallville, Harry Potter, Misc. Movies, Dawson's Creek, Charmed, and Everwood. In a fit of organisational frenzy it occured to me that this thing hasn't been updated in, like, forever. But, then, neither has my fic. I am, however, always optimistic that at some point I will finish something. Anyway, onto me! Always a fun subject :) I'm still slogging away at that stupid degree thing and having panic attacks over the fact that it is my final year. Ah, well. Fic wise I write in whatever fandom captures one of the bunnies that hop around my head. I have a love of Chris-Revelation fics in the Charmed 'verse which is, of course, in no way related to my love of Drew Fuller's (pretty, oh so pretty) eyes. I also can't resist a good crossover, especially, for some strange reason, in Dawson's Creek. As to what I might write in the future- who knows? Possibly more Everwood, even more possibly more Charmed and Veronica Mars has eaten my brain which is, of course, in no way related to Jason Dohring's (buff, oh so buff) arms. Some Supernatural fic is also on the burn which is in every single possible way related to Jensen Ackles' complete and utter hotness. I'm not even going to try and get out of that one. Also, I have finally succumbed to the lure of livejournal and, if I ever get around to writing anything and then ever actually get around to posting it, most of my fic will be put up there (just click on the homepage). Especially any future Potter fics which I hate to throw into the craziness of But everything else will end up here eventually. So, read on, my pretties! And, don't forget, reviews make the world go round. And make me smile. |