Author has written 5 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy X-2. A more comprehensive Bio:Interests: Drawing, Surfing, Reading books, Writing, Playing musical instruments (Violin and Keyboards), chatting via YM, listening to music, playing video games, etc. Favorite Books: Harry Potter, Animal Farm, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The Giver, etc. Favorite Movies: Last Samurai, LOTR (all three of them), Finding Nemo ('Coz I love Marine life) among others What to expect from me: Well, as u can see, I already have 5 fics posted so Im sure u know wat to expect... The usual, expect FF or video game fics rather than Animes 'coz I play video games more than I watch animes. =) PS: My first works really have lousy grammar so excuse me for that, but as you go along with my other stories, they improve. Hope u enjoy them. |