Author has written 6 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Harry Potter. Hello! Welcome to my little slice of internet. My name is Kristen. I'm Canadian, in my twenties and I'm an unashamed yaoi fangirl (though I do tend to draw the line at squealing obnoxiously...except in in extenuating circumstances. :P). I'm an avid reader and writer, and I love to act. I love meeting new people, so feel free to PM me if you have questions, comments, or just want to say hi. Fandoms I read are: Harry Potter (Harry/Draco) DeathNote (Light/L and Mello/Matt) Yu-Gi-Oh (Yugi/ know what? I slash Yugi with a lot of people. A lot. And I support the usual Yami/Hikari pairings as well as Jonouchi/Seto) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Apollo/Klavier and Apollo/Phoenix) Devil May Cry (Nero/Dante) Sherlock (Sherlock/Watson) I'm a terrible procrastinator, but if I start something I finish it. If it takes me until the day I die, I WILL finish every single story I put up here. Reviews are like crack to me (and they're pretty much the only reason I update...I go back and read them and think 'Whelp...I guess at least a few people out there would like me to stop being a lazy ass.'). I take constructive criticism well and would love to hear suggestions. Flames make me laugh. A lot. Enjoy! STORY STATUSES (STATI? :P): The Twelve Days of Yugi: Compelted. Without Him: Complete. Sequel may be forthcoming. The Twelve Lemons of Christmas: On hiatus. Hoping to have it finished this holiday season. Love, Hate, and Utter Confusion: NO LONGER ON HIATUS. I'm currently working on the final chapters. As for the reason for the the authour's note in chapter 17. Of Droogs and Dogs: Complete. Catharsis: In progress. |