Author has written 2 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Hi! I'm just some crazy girl that is much like alot of other peope addicted to this site ( which my family would kill me abou if they ever found out considering " it is a waist of valuable time that should be spent on learning"). So anyways I truly appoligize for the long lenghts in between my updates for my one story, TDDUP, but now with the re-writting the updation speed will quicken ( I hope XD) I actually decided to write another story! So check that out if you get the chance. NaMe: You can call me E.T (LOL, for endless tears) By the way I chose that name because it contradicts me really well, I'm more of a live with the moment type, and tears is something I don't display often (in all honesty) aGe: 13 (damn that cursed age) HeIgHt: 5'3 (5'5 with heels!) wEiGhT: Like I'm really going to tell you that... HaIr: Brown with red highlights (but they're natural so it doesn't look so nice), also underably straight, (mom belives curling it would damage my 'silky' hair) eYeS: A brown that's not too light or dark, and glasses (dad thinks contacts will cause infections) I am a girl by the way, if you hadn't figured it out yet by now. (though many people would argue with you that I should have been born a boy considering some of my many actions) Favorite Pairings: ( and my reason why I like em') Seto/Tea ( hot must I say more) Marik/Tea ( he's evil, she's not... they're perfect for eachother) Draco/Hermione ( they remind me of Tea/Seto same personalities between Draco/Seto) Hermione/Fred ( serious vs. funny it) Hermione/Oliver (depends how good the writting is) MOST HATED DISLIKED HORRIBLE PAIRINGS no offense mean thoes who like these pairings... I just don't:( nd the reasons why I hate em') Serenity/Seto ( he's so independant, and she's too whinny, dependant, and in love with her brother. Big brother this... big brother that... come on give us all a brake) Mai/ anyone but Joey ( I mean come on, who else woud date Mai except Joey, no body but Joey really knows her anyways...I'm not sure if he even knows her ) Ron/Hermione ( Yah two people that are like brother and sister shouln't really be sticking their tounges in each others mouths. Eww (shudder, nasty) Though just because I don't like the pairings doesn't mean that I won't read he story, as longs the writtings good... there's really no problem ( sorry unless it's a Sereity/Seto fic.) |