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Joined 03-23-16, id: 7671211, Profile Updated: 08-16-17
Author has written 2 stories for Hyperdimension Neptunia, and Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン.

If you wish to be updated on and maybe view some future fan art follow my Twitter page. https://twitter.com/DLC_xxBigPhilxx

Origional Character Bios

{ xxBigPhilxx }

Gender: Male

Age: Average bishi age.

Weapons: twin tonfas

Equipment: Shadow Suit DLC

Affiliation: The Vapor Syndicate.

Representation: Recreational Gamer. In the closet otaku.

Appearence: Has tan skin and very short black hair that he keeps cut in a professional manor. He has emerald color eyes. On his head, he wears a black fedora. He usually is seen wearing a black button up shirt and black cargo pants and black and white sneakers. Due to the cross dimensional jump into Gamindustri, he and his counterpart under went a "Bishi"transformation and thus making him look like he was in his late teens or early twenties while his true age is unknown.

Personality: Being a workaholic who works a tiring job he really doesn't enjoy in order to pay for his needs, xxBigPhilxx is mostly a grump and is refered by himself and others as "a sarcastic asshole." He uses snide remarks and has no feeling towards the emotions of others. Being a self sustaining introvert his life, he tends to prefer to rely solely on himself no matter how much pain and discomfort it causes him. When he has off time, he enjoys games of all kind and is even hinted at being a hardcore otaku, but since he shuts everyone out of his life when he is enjoying his off time, there are not that many people who knows what makes him truly happy. Nobody has ever seen him smile really. Due to his military and martial arts training, he developed a high tolerance for pain. Whether he is really tough or a pure masochist remains a mystery. He has near zero people skills and prefers to avoid contact with others if possible seeing personal connections as nothing more than "hassles." But when his anti-social, introvert wall comes down and even a dim personal connection is formed with someone, he'll fight tooth and nail to make sure that bond stays strong and that person's well being is safe. He has a vast pool of experience in different gaming genres which gives him a lot of experience in dealing with different scenarios, though he prefers to take the action route and go hands on in most situations. He is not all that invested in times of peace, but when a situation is dire, he can be counted on to break down all of his personal walls and give every ounce of his blood, sweat and tears to make things right.

Back ground: An average young adult who went through a term in active service with the Marines, xxBigPhilxx is currently going through his detox period to try to live the life of a normal man. However he lost touch with his personal interest growing up and is now a die-hard workaholic who is either working, or waiting for the next shift. While meeting his shrink, he was told that he was becoming a "tool" who was on the verge of loosing his ability to enjoy life. Due to this, his shrink turned him over to Misteam who ran the Vapor Syndicate. She looked into his background an found that he was once a hardcore gamer, was a proud otaku growing up and into his military term, and was even a chuunibyou. Seeing this, she turned Niles over to the care of Noble who was a career gamer and otaku who claims he will help "bring the otaku out of the closet" Noble take Niles cross dimensions with his personal assistant, Lily, to help him get in touch with his inner interests. Eventually, this takes him to Gamindistri and to the present.

Origional Guest Character Bios

{ Noble MaiBigButt }

Gender: Male

Age: Average Bishi Age

Weapons: Twin Nunchakus

Equipment: Light Suit DLC

Affiliation: The Vapor Syndicate

Personification: Career gamer. Open Otaku

Apprearence: Fair skin. Slight facial hair. A red streak of hair dye at the front of his head, Wears a blue sleeveless flannel shirt with a white hoodie underneath, blue jeans and black sneakers. Due to the cross dimensional jump into Gamindustri, he and his counterpart under went a "Bishi"transformation and thus making him look like he was in his late teens or early twenties while his true age is unknown.

Personality: Making a career doing what he loves, Noble is a very bright and optimistic individual. He strives to bring a positive light in even the darkest of situations. He is quite friendly and is good at reading the emotions of others and is fond of increasing his social circle. His charisma is also exceptional due to him streaming of his love for all things otaku related to a wide audience. There are at times however that his perverted side may get him into trouble. His natural fighting abilities may pale when compared to the likes of both xxBigPhilxx and Lily, but his tenacity and luck (and a bit of plot armor) usually makes up for this draw back. A strong believer in the "friendship canon," he is a true team player who follows "the more the merrier" rule and tries his hardest to drag his partner into this way of thinking. Unlike Niles, he usually looks to the future and the big picture as opposed to seeing nothing but the task at hand. With his quirks aside, he is still a person who could be relied on to see things through once the chips have been thrown down before him and will work to help friends around him in times of need.

Back Ground: Noble made a career of streaming games and all things otaku related. Most of his fans would usually by the games and anime products that he showcases on his channel. Unknown to him, this caught the attention of Misteam, an Oracle in training who runs the Vapor Syndicate. Recently, her organization discovered means to send members into other dimensions and interact with these worlds directly. Seeing as Noble indirectly helped her organization with funding, he was offered a place as one of the first participants to partake in these cross dimension travels, which Noble accepted right away. Before engaging in cross dimension, he was introduced to Lily, a Foxgirl member of the syndicate who worked as a mechanic. She was offered to assist Noble during his ventures much to his delight. After a few dimension jumps, Misteam introduced xxBigPhilxx to Noble and assigned Noble to rehabilitate him to get in touch with his inner otaku. Seeing xxBigPhilxx as a "challenge", he accepted. After a few trips that were hit-and-misses, their ventures ultimately landed them in Gamindustri.

{ Lily the Foxgirl Mechanic }

Gender: Female

Age: Late teens/ early 20s

Weapons: Multi-tool. Fire magic.

Equipment: Endless tool box.

Affiliation: The Vapor Syndicate

Personification: Mascot of Lost Pause Channel

Appearence: Fair skinned. Long grey hair and a pair of goggles on her head. Wears a white tank-top with a red sweater tied around her waist and brown leather trunks, chaps, and boots as well as tool pouches strapped to her belt. Her most noticeable features are her fox ears and tail. She appears to be in her late teens, but evidence suggest she is way older than she appears.

Personality: Lily is well known for her bright and bubbly personality. She shows a very optimistic

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Path of the Warrior
Among the 1000 of beta-testers, there was one who calls himself Ken. This is the story of how he was thrown into a true game of life and death and how his true path is tested.
Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,060 - Published: 9/30/2017
Stopping the Conquest Ending reviews
I come to Gamindustri in hopes to see a good story with a happy ending. Unfortunately, events played out differently than I hope as it appears that the Bad Ending will be happening. Not on my watch. I'm going to need friends and make allies to prevent the bad ending from happening and save everyone from the tears. Guest appearance by the Youtuber Noble of Lost Pause.
Hyperdimension Neptunia - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 50,790 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 61 - Updated: 6/23/2017 - Published: 3/23/2016 - Noire/Black Heart, OC, Plutia/Iris Heart