Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, and Cowboy Bebop. Ehm. Well. My name is Erin and I am thirteen. x.x wow... lol I enjoy music and drawing and oekaki-ing, and a whole bunch of other crap. =D Here's a list of some of my favorites, for no apparent reason. Favorite: color: red, black, blue band(s): Evanescence, Metallica, a bit of Lamb of God, and many others I can't think of... singer: Amy Lee and Gwen Stefani animal: Wolves! actor: Orlando Bloom =3 actress: none =D lol I'm gonna shut up now... Well, my story OtWoWaD, or OWWD for really short, will prolly be updated every week, unless I say otherwise and/or get lazy. Reviews will get you faster updated stories... =D By the way, happy new year all! |