Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hi! . I'm Blissful Darkness. A first time writer, and cousin to the fanfiction authoress Kat Davi. The writer of the trilogy of Moonlit Sapphire, A New Beginning, and Saving You, and of course the hilarious story They Doth Deny Too Much. Believe me, I have screamed at her as much as everyone else about her not updating in over a year. She's evil and claims everlasting writer's block. Poor thing can't even write a paragraph in her stories anymore. So her writing talent has been passed down to me! Yay! Alright, I am writing The Dementor's Kiss. I've been told that no one else has the same plot as mine. Yes I know that most think it would be better if Draco was the one who was soulless since he is a villain and all. But think about it. Harry's main weakness was the dementors. And I'm aware that he could fight them. But hundreds of them? No way. Plus, it would take longer for Draco to discover any sort of feelings towards Harry, so I wanted Draco conscious through this fic. Have any questions that don't involve revealing my not quite thought out plot line? Just send me an email and ask. I'll be happy to answer. I hope to update every weekend. I'll try to write during school, but its kind of hard with all the stuff I do. I don't get on the internet until the weekends anyway. Well, thanks for reading my profile. It's not flashy or anything, but it's the best I can do for now. Love you all! And don't forget to read and review my story. Every author(ess) loves reviews. |