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Joined 10-16-15, id: 7218029, Profile Updated: 03-27-19
Author has written 1 story for Undertale.

"Comic Sins" cover art by VickyViolet on deviantArt. (VickyViolet is me.)

Like my project "Comic Sins"? Then you should read an Undertale fan comic that is even better! Check out "Swaptale" by ScotchTapeOfficial on tumblr!
Want another better Undertale comic? Check out "Aftertale" by LoverofPiggies on tumblr!

In case you're wondering why VickyViolet on deviantART (and VickyVioletDraws on tumblr) is uploading the fic "Comic Sins"... I am VickyViolet. Will likely change my username here after I finish my fic. I got an account here under a new name because as someone who is predominately an artist, I am quite shy about my writing. However, the overwhelming support and following for my story was so much more than I could have asked for, I did NOT go into this thinking people would so much as read it. You guys are amazing and have given me so much confidence, enough that I have started uploading the story to my main art sites. Thank you.

Why "OperationPDM"?
Upon joining FanFiction, I was bent on creating a username that was first and foremost gender-neutral. I found it important to keep people from judging my story based on the author's gender. (This is a thing published authors do as well.) Coming up with something gender-neutral was wayyyyy more difficult than I thought it would be. Everything I came up with sounded at least slightly feminine! At that point I asked myself what masculine usernames sounded like, and I must say OW THE EDGE. None the less, I came up with OperationPDM.
What does PDM stand for?
Project Dante's Mask. The title of a web comic I have written but in no way have published, because I'm still shy and uncertain of my writing abilities. The name OperationPDM reminds why I am here. I want to practice writing and story telling, and it reminds me that writing fanfiction is not a waste of my time. Writing fanfiction can be worthwhile, it can be beneficial. Fanfiction is no different than any fanart I've drawn or the fan comics I've written. It's time I embrace it.

Overtale by RavingKangaroo reviews
A choose-your-adventure fanfict. This takes place at the end of the game, in the human world. You choose what happens. Female Frisk implied. Your choice of FriskXSans or FriskXPapyrus. Gonna leave this marked as mature for now, may change it if it ends up beings less explicit. Pacifist-Ending, with Genocide-Ending references. Art Cover credit goes to lordmagnum on tumblr.
Undertale - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 39 - Words: 32,378 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 153 - Updated: 12/1/2015 - Published: 10/10/2015
Comic Sins reviews
Intending to end the slaughter of his race, Sans finds a way to travel to a timeline in which his enemy would be vulnerable, in hopes to put an end to the wicked human. When his plan doesn't go quite as expected, Sans finds himself with a surprising new way to avenge what he has lost. (This fic is completed! Story and art by me, VickyViolet. AlsoIdrewcustomthumbnails,check'emout.)
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Drama/Tragedy - Chapters: 25 - Words: 32,426 - Reviews: 76 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 164 - Updated: 4/5/2019 - Published: 10/29/2015 - Frisk, Sans, Chara - Complete