Author has written 1 story for Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Hey, all! Name's Zenotyne, but call me Zeno.
So... stuff about me I guess...?
Well for starter's, I'm gamer. Always have been. Earliest games I ever played were "Bubsy II", "Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron", and, my personal favorite of the time, "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" for the 'ol Sega Genesis. For those of you who know those games, yeah I see the trend there. It just happened that way. These days I'm more into action and Adventure kind of stuff, but they have to have a good story to really stick for me. Probably why I typically stay with JRPGs...
What got me into writing fanfiction? Honestly, it was my friend, Angron. I seriously recommend checking out his work. Anyway, after reading the first few chapters of his story I felt like trying my hand at it. Thus, here I am. Yeah, not impressive or anything, but we can't all have crazy backstories or motivations.
Why "Zenotyne"? Honestly, it's just a little something I came up with about ten years or so ago. I was just making up names I thought sounded cool at the time when I was letting my mind wander, as it still does when I get bored, I started combining and altering names from various game and anime characters and eventually, that's what came out. I came up with some others, but for some reason, that one stuck.
My current works:
HyperDimension Neptunia: Data Breaker
As the title implies, I'm a big fan of the Neptunia series. I mean, what's not to like? The stories, save the original first game, were all well done, the characters are enjoyable, and combat is pretty smooth. ...For the most part anyway. Plus, all the CPUs are anthropomorphic game consoles, so bonus points right there! My personal favorite is definitely Noire. What can I say? She's a good tsundere and tsunderes are damn cute when they get flustered.
Trivia about the story:
Truthfully, I originally wanted to call it Code Breaker, but that title was already taken so I had to improvise. In hindsight, that actually worked out for the better. That small change in theme actually allowed more possibilities and freedom to shape the story than my original theme idea. Said original idea was similar to what I have going now, but the design at the time, partially due to how little forethought went into it, prevented me from making certain developments I've got planned now. My readers will see what those are in due time.
Some of my readers have noticed similarities between Zeno's abilities and the Broken and the original dot.hack games series. Believe it or not, this wasn't intentional. I wasn't really thinking too far ahead when I first came up with the concept and just went with it when I came up with it. I didn't even notice it myself until someone else pointed it out. But considering this is happening in a "game" world I like to think it's actually quite fitting.
Kainen Nomura, AKA Zenotyne:
Kainen, or Zeno as he's more referred to in the story, is both a self-insert and at the same time not. His appearance and personality are somewhat based off myself, but there are a few aspects that are very different from me. One such thing is that he's not afraid to fight. Me: I'd sooner run from the conflict if I don't have a compelling reason to stick around. But we are both nice people who typically think of others before ourselves. I guess the best way to describe him is that he's the kind of person I wish I could be. But, it is what it is.
Also, I've recently started making a game version of my story with the RPG Maker MV program. I've still got a long road to travel, mostly with making custom sprites, so I can't even put out a test build yet. Plus, I'm still learning how it works as a whole. The story itself will take priority over the game but I'll be giving updates on it as I post new chapters.
That's about it I think. Please check out my story if you haven't already and feel free to ask me any questions you have about it or the game via reviews or messages. In the meantime, I'll catch you later.
Zeno out!