Author has written 3 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Naruto. Please, just call me Walker Yoh! I am your average 14 year old Gaara obsessed bisexual girl-who-looks-like-a-guy who likes to draw random pictures of said obsession. Really, even though my friends call me insane, and my parents agree, i am quite harmless. UNLESS YOU DISS GAARA! 'Scuse me for that, i just kind of like him in a way. (notices people pressing the 'back' button frantically and running away from their computers) NOT THAT WAY! What i mean is that i can sympathize with him as a person. Not the whole 'everyone hates me and ignores me, i will acknowledge only myself so it doesn't hurt when i am betrayed' thing, but to a certain extent. We have all been alone at some point in our lives, and escpecially for the people who are alone even now, it hurts being alone. That's all there is to it. And for those people who've been abandoned, it hurts less to just accept that you're all alone and that no one will always be there for you. Sure it will hurt, but it hurts less than being abandoned again and again. Trust me i've been there. To give up hopehurts way less than being let down. Aknowledgingyourself makes the pain more bareable than other people ignoring you. And ignoring the world around you, trying to create your perfect world, it just makes the pain fade. Sure it hurts more when you remember its not real, but for those breaf moments you're almost happy. It's the only way to keep yourself sane, shutting yourself in a cage, making everything else go away. As said before, I can sypathize with him. I am now officially obsessed with one-shots. -bangs head into wall- I CAN'T SEEM TO HANG ON TO ANYTHING BIGGER THAN A CHAPTER! AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WHY! WHY! WHY! WHY! Well, now i've got 2 Naruto one-shots up and one DBZ one. -Sighs- that Naruto one was supposed to be NaruGaa to... Alrighties then! NOTE, THIS IS FOR ALL MY STORIES! I DO NOT OWN ANY ANIME THAT I HAVE POSTED FANFICTION UNDER! OTHER WISE IT WOULD NOT BE CALLED "FAN"FICTION AND WOULD NOT BE ON THIS WEBSITE! |