Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. So this is my 38th (aprox) attempt at fanfiction. Honestly for this first story I am trying to keep it as realistic as possible, and show Harrys grow and change over time, I hate readying stories where Harry sits in his bedroom one night, thinks about him life and decided to change. People don't change that way! From my previous attempts at writing, mixed with lots of readings, here are my rules of fanfiction:- Chapters must be at least 5k. It must be that long to let see see plot development, characterization, and most importantly, if you pos anything less, its 99% sure you are just going after a huge hit and review count by splitting what should be 1 chapter into 8. I will never read a story that has 12,000 words and 24 chapters. Trying to squeeze in lots of cliches so you appeal to a huge number of people, starting Harry off with someone, then switching to someone so you get both shippers. Not having a character grow, and change over time. Thinking you want to write a character a certain way and just making him that way rather than putting in the effort to show him change over time. Making another character act so out of character just because you dont like them and want them out of your story. So yeah thats it. If you want to find a bunch of stories that follow those rules, chat to some of the best authors around and get a lot of helpful advice on writing, check out darklordpotter . net I have a few treads there on this story and some pics of the girls I use in it. |