Author has written 10 stories for Digimon, Transformers/Beast Wars, Power Rangers, Rainbow Brite, and My Little Pony. If your here, I guess you want to know more about me. As you can guess I am an aspiring writer, and tend to focus on Fanfiction because I feel it is a pretty good writing exercise, if you stay within the rules and laws of the show you are copying and just don't just do your own thing or force ideas that don't fit because it would be cool. It might just be my own personal experience, but those stories never seem to end well. I have a strong love of Transformers, all series except for 'Robots in Disguise' and 'Energon'. Though most my work focuses on the G1-BW-BM universe, I have recently gotten interested in the new Animated Universe. As such the bulk of my work will involve the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. My G1 stories are all within a universe set after the end of 'Rebirth', though incorporates some elements that I like form all three comic series. While my Animated series takes place before the series itself, as I want to wait till I have a good grasp on the main characters before handling them. I also am a fan of Sentai and Power Rangers, and various Animes. And will probably post a few stories of that type as well. Currently I am trying my and at an original Power Ranger series, but It doesn't seem to be getting any attention because its not romantic slash. -_- |