![]() Author has written 25 stories for Twilight. Welcome to Age of Edward 2015! The Age of Edward Contest will feature stories throughout various historical/futuristic eras, the only time period not acceptable for entry is anything within fifteen years of TODAY. If you choose to write about a future Edward, it must have a distinctly futuristic vibe. Submissions can be from any point of view, though they must be in context of the time period and must feature Edward. Like last year, 2015 Age of Edward will be an anonymous contest. Please take care not to reveal your entry, as doing so is grounds for disqualification. Unlike previous years, we will not have separate category submissions for Young Adult and Literotica. All entries fall under the same submission guidelines and will be judged together. Hosts: Validators: Amra Wall Betsy De Vos Glinda GW Brooks Judges: Artists: Award Categories: Judge's Choice: Rochelle Allison: A Lovely Prospect Shell Thimbles: Black Wind Blowing Tori Lammy: Black Wind Blowing Diane Tant Daniel: Deep Down and Low Mina Rivera: The King of Bowery and Bleecker Patty Rosa: Black Wind Blowing Public Vote: 1st Place- Black Wind Blowing 2nd Place- Rush to Love 3rd Place- A Lovely Prospect First Time Author Acknowledgement JEDIGIRLSC STACYO72 Banner Public Vote: 1st Place- The King of Bowery and Bleecker by Jaime Arkins 2nd Place- Rush to Love by jedigirlsc 3rd Place- The King of Bowery and Bleecker by planetblue Prizes: Custom story banners by Betti Gefecht and Stace Leo. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place Ribbon to Banner Winners PDF Book of contest winners by ltlerthqak Authors for Age of Edward 2015: A Lovely Prospect by dustybritche01 Black Wind Blowing by Honeybeemeadows Deep Down and Low by TGBMcCray Emerald City by Rebadams7 Finding Hope by ceceprincess1217 Heartache and Recovery by Marie One I Did Not by Marie One Ibadat by Ninkita Love and Hate by Archy12 Manifest Destiny by shellyduran Mating Deviation by fyrebirch and vampiregirl93 Precious Cargo by vampiregirl93 Pressing for Love by stacyo72 Rush to Love by jedigirlsc Saved From the Flames by lovepotionsbrewer The Bachelor Duke by ceceprincess1217 The Heir of Asgaard by angelari7 The Itch by jmolly The King of Bowery and Bleecker by planetblue The Servant-Princess by sanutaz The Emigree by JavaMasta Tracks by NewTwilightFan Wanted by fyrebirch We Kiss in a Shadow by AgoodWITCH When Worlds Collide by readerwholic Guidelines: Entries can feature supernatural elements, alternate universe, or all-human. RPF is not acceptable. Entries must be identifiable as historical/futuristic. All entries must be one-shots or short stories. While you are welcome and encouraged to continue your story after the contest is completely closed, your submission must stand alone as a one-shot. All entries that include smut/lemons or other mature content must be rated M. All entries must be wholly original and previously unpublished. All entries must be between 3,000 and 12,000 words not including header. All entries must be betad and meet minimum grammar, punctuation, and spelling standards. Submissions that do not meet these standards will be rejected. Collaborations are welcome, but no more than two entries per person will be accepted. Content Limitations: While we understand that certain things we find distasteful today may have been generally acceptable in the time period you are writing from, this contest will remain free of incest, bestiality, graphic/gratuitous rape, and pedophilia. Please note these guidelines and make sure your submission adheres to them, otherwise it will be returned upon validation. Submission: Entries should be in .doc or .rtf format and emailed to AgeOfEdward2015@ for validation. Once it is validated, it will post to FF at admin’s discretion. In order to help maintain anonymity, stories will be uploaded in clusters. All submissions must contain the following header: Author name: Email Address: FFN profile page link: Title of Story: Word Count: Type of Edward: Rating: Story Summary: First Time Author?: Standard Disclaimer: The author does not own any publicly recognizable entities herein. No copyright infringement is intended. Banner entries should be 720x300 and include the story title. Banners are accepted by any artist for any story active in this year's Age of Edward contest. Maximum of two banner entries per artist. (If you are an author and an artist you may submit two stories and two banners.) Please submit to AgeOfEdward2015@ They will be uploaded to the blog and facebook for viewing. Historical Eras and Themes: Babylonian Empire Edward Persian Empire Edward Chinese Empire Edward Egyptian Empire Edward Ancient Greek Empire Edward Roman Empire Edward Celtic Edward Viking Edward Barbarian Edward Pope Edward King Edward Medieval Edward Crusader Edward Braveheart Edward Protestant Reformation Edward Renaissance Edward Colonial Edward Elizabethan Edward Enlightenment Edward American Revolution Edward French Revolution Edward Wild West Edward American Civil War Edward Napoleanic Edward Victorian Edward WWI Edward Russian Revolution Edward 20′s Gangster Edward American Great Depression Edward Irish Immigrant in United States Edward Italian Immigrant in United States Edward WWII Edward 50′s Edward 60′s Edward 70′s Edward 80′s Edward FUTURE Edward Questions? Submit to ageofedward2015@ and we’ll get right with you! In the meantime, follow Edward on Twitter! Good luck and we’re looking forward to reading your entries! |