Author has written 41 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Invisible Man, StarTrek: Enterprise, Buffy X-overs, Harry Potter, Smallville, and Star Wars. Hi, I have two points I'd like to make to a few people. This is really something for everyone considering reading my stories and/or poems, too.Yes, I place original characters wherever it suits me. I create characters to interact with establish characters for two reasons: I want to tie one set of established to a set of original, or I don't like how an establish character has been treated in his/her established perameters. These OCs are *not* Mary Sues or 2-dimensional. I, myself, do not like Mary Sues, because they are often flat and shapeless and boring. Yes, there is an amount of self-insertion into my original characters, but when you get to know any author, then get to know their original characters, I think you'll find that there's a bit of that author in his/her original characters. Point two: I do write slash! Yes, that's two attractive men having a sexual encounter and/or a relationship. All slash is clearly marked, and if you don't like it, don't read it. (Although, flamers and people who tell me I'm going to Hell for writing such "deviant stories" are a source of great amusement for me.) So, If you don't mind vibrant, original characters and/or slash, please read and review my stories and poems. I truly thrive on feedback from others. Thanks, and have a great day. :) Lailara |