Author has written 6 stories for Loveless, Tsubasa Chronicle, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, and Fullmetal Alchemist. RANDOM STUFF YOU MIGHT LIKE TO KNOW... ~ I am without a doubt a fangirl. If I said I wasn't, my nose might as well grow 100 feet. I squeal, I dance hyper-ishly, and I waste my life drawing fanart and writing fanfic just like any other fangirl ('cept but I overdo it at scratch that...ALL the time xD) ~ Yaoi is my life. Don't like yaoi, don't talk to me... lol xD just kidding. I like to keep an open mind about things (ie: I don't like yuri but when I come across it, I never flame. I just walk away and pretend I never saw it/read it or, at times, I'll even leave constructive comments and ignore the fact that it'syuri) I hope my readers will do the same for me :o) ~ OTP, all the variations of "OMG" (ie: zomg, omgwtf, ah-mg, omgosh...etc.), squeal, eep, nyoo,whee, heehee, mwahaha, and all those other nonsensical things make up about 99.9 of my vocabulary. ~ I am in highschool. Currently a junior. Though, you must keep in mind, my inner child is still a hyper little, diabolical 5 year old. ALL FEAR THE LITTLE ME! MOOHAHAHA! ~ I am asian. Chinese to be precise. Shanghai-nese to be even more precise. But I was born in America. New York to be precise. Amherst to be even more precise. xD w00t for precision! O_o o_O get's a ton of confused, what-the-hell-is-your-problem stares xD ~ I like cats... like A LOT! (esp ones with exotic lion-haircuts...or whatever they're called) ~ I'm lazy... the laziest bum you'll ever find. Procrastinators will rule the world! ...tomorrow But most importantly, I get stuck in artist/writier blocks more often than anyone in the world so I must warn you and hope that you will all forgive me when the time comes T_T PLACES YOU CAN FIND ME IF YOU REALLY FEEL LIKE KNOWING MORE...~ http:// fanart ~ http:// livejournal ~ youtube 20 TOP FAV BISHI'S ~ Hikaru& Kaoru (Ouran) ~ Kyoya (Ouran) ~ Suou Tamaki (Ouran) ~ "Bereznoff" (Ouran) don't remember his real name...xD ~ Fai D. Flowright (TRC) ~ Kurogane (TRC) ~ Uryuu Ishida (Bleach) ~ Yumichika (Bleach) ~ Raito (DN) ~ L (DN) ~ Jin (Samurai Champloo) ~ Spike (Cowboy Bebop) ~ Kazahaya (Legal Drug) ~ Edward Elric (FMA) ~ Roy Mustang (FMA) ~ Maes Hughes (FMA) ~ Envy (FMA) ~ Severus Snape (HP) ~ Uchiha Sasuke (Naru) ~ Haku (Naru) ~ Watanuki (xxxHolic) FAV PAIRINGS (Yaoi/Het) Ouran Host Club: - Hitachiincest - Kyoya x Hikaru x Kaoru - Tamaki x Haruhi - KyoTama Death Note: -RaitoL Samurai Champloo: -MugenJin Naruto: - SasuNaru - KakaIru - KibaNaru - ZabuHaku - KakaSasu FMA: - RoyEd - RusselEd - HughesRoy - EnvyEd - RoyHavoc Loveless: - SoubiRitsuka - NatsuoYouji Bleach: - IchiIshi - IkkaYumi - Ukitake x Hitsugaya - ByaRen - GinKira - IchiRen TRC/CCS: - KuroFai - TouyaYukito xxxHolic: - DoumeWata Legal Drug: - RikuKaza Demon Diary: - EcliRae Trigun: - NicholasVash One Piece: - ZoroSanji - SanjiLuffy - ZoroLuffy - Zoro x Sanji x Luffy Yellow: - GohTaki Inuyasha: - InuKouga Final Fantasy: - TsengRufus - YazooReno CURRENT FETTISH(S) - RusselEd (fma) -Hitachiincest -Ouran HS Host Club -Hikaru x Kaoru x Kyoya - DoumekiWatanuki EXPLAINATION FOR MY 3-WAY SCHITZOPHRENIA ~ I sign my stories and comments with one of three names: Ishi, Ai, or Yatsu (me, myself, and I...get it? xD) ~ why? because I suffer from 3-way schitzophrenia ~ what determines which one of "you" you use? My mood: ~ Ishi is the lovesick, perverted little fangirl me ~ Ai is the happy, hyper-ish, omg! epp! me ~ Yatsu is the dark, morbid, "let's make an army out of squirrels and rule the world" me ~ Will any of these names change over time? Ishi is a no. She likes the way she is. Ai is a maybe but most likely no because she's already gone from Aiya to Ai. Yatsu on the other hand is a very probable yes. She doesn't like names that start with "Y" xD ~ Were these names inspired by anything? Duh! Of course they were. Ishi = Ishida from Bleach (one of my all time fav bishis), Ai = Aiya which came from Aiyatsuki which is my artist pseudonym, Yatsu = Yatsuki which also came from Aiyatsuki. ~ Should I be scared? Yes. You should be very scared... boo! |