Author has written 12 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Futurama, Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Pan, Cartoon X-overs, Batman, Misc. Cartoons, and ElfQuest. Known variously around the net as Sailor Loon, Loonysquid, Civilianloon, Jaylyn, and Sapphirebreeze, because keeping the same name everywhere is boring. I am NOT a Sailor Moon fan. I used to be a real life Sailor, and still am a Loon, which is why I often go by Sailor Loon. I am a Transformers fan, a Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates fan, and a few other things. I write rarely and complete fics even less often, and am not the sort to begin uploading a story until at least the draft is complete, so I don't leave someone hanging. I made that mistake with an old account, but hope to avoid it in the future. Unfinished work and works in progress, along with some of my artwork, can be found in my LiveJournal, http:/// I make every effort to keep my LiveJournal "casual reader friendly," and try to keep all complaining, drama, non-writing memes, and most personal entries behind cuts. |
Aidokime (8) Dragoness Eclectic (49) Enola (11) | Koi Lungfish (40) Rebecca Hb (128) TheFoxinator (134) | Wayward (30) |