Author has written 1 story for Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei. Form for A Familiar Kind of Despair! Please fill it out completely, with detail. (: BASICS Name: Age: Gender: SDHS: Ethnicity: Sexual Orientation: Appearance (as detailed as possible!): Standard Clothing: Formal Clothing: Pajamas: Family/Friends: History(DEEEEETTTTTTAAAAAIIIIILLLL): Personality (DETAIL. I need paragraphs, guys.) Achievements: Traits They Like in People: Traits They Dislike in People: Openness to Romance: Likes: Dislikes: Quirks/Habits: Sample Dialogue: Secrets: RATE FROM ONE TO TEN, ONE BEING THE LOWEST AND TEN THE HIGHEST Intelligence: Willpower: Confidence: Skill in Social Situations: Anger Management: Friendliness: Physical Strength: HOPE'S PEAK What May Motivate Them to Kill?: Killer, Victim, or Survivor?: Reaction to Seeing a Body: How They Act in an Investigation How They Act in a Trial: How They React to an Execution: Contradiction Phrase (You've Got That Wrong!): Consent Phrase (I Agree With That!): Machine Gun Talk Battle Phrases: Cross Swords Duel Initiation Phrase: |