Author has written 4 stories for Steven Universe. Hello all. I am 26 years old. I love Steven Universe, among other things. It's the fandom I'm sunk way into at the moment. I currently have one active fanfiction, it is an AU dramabomb that I'm starting to like more and more. Anyone wants to ask me absolutely anything about my stories, or just wanna chat, please feel free to PM me. I just wanted to say I am very greatful and appreciative for all the support you all have given me. It's kept me going, I mean, DTDP was never supposed to have 18 chapters and look where we are now! I don't write for the reviews, I write to provide a story that I like, and even if you all stopped reading it, I'd probably keep going with it. I appreciate constructive criticism, but would prefer a private message via this website, tumblr, or deviantart, because I can't take things with a grain of salt, I become flustered and upset when called out in front of people. HAVE A GOOD DAY, HOPE YOU ALL ARE DOING WELL! Things I'm Working On: -Never Letting You Go- Indefinite Hiatus until further notice -Down This Darkened Path- Indefinite Hiatus -I'm always drawing random fanart so there's always that. Other things I like um... League of Legends... Lol... I've always wanted to write a Caitlyn/Vi fic, but I suppose that will have to wait! Also have tumblr, but i'm a tumblr noob. xjasper-jazulix is my name thingy. And Deviantart. And yeah, I'm very friendly, so feel free to PM me if you wanna chat. |
Crocidolite (2) | Pappillon (45) |