![]() Author has written 3 stories for Hellsing, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, and Fire Emblem. It's hard to make something when you don't want to... That my fellow humans is words that any creator should live by. Whether you draw, write, sing-- basically do anything that requires you to create something, do it because you want to and because you have a passion for it. You cannot hope to create something good if you aren't willing to put everything into it. So never start a story without a passion for the story, that's how a permanent hiatus is born. Greetings! I am a Wizard that can't name things, or WizardCantNameThings. I don't know what the hell I'm doing right now, as it is 7:10 A.M. at the moment I am writing this, and I have stayed up all night. Might as well do something! February 10, 2018 Don't sell your soul to the Flying Spaghetti Monstee of the Pastafarian religion. Especially don't sell your soul in order to be able to write faster... Let's just say that it's difficult to get your soul back from said beastie... May 1, 2018 What's the difference between making a fanfiction and a story? Well, let me be more specific: what is the difference between a fanfiction and an original work? In my opinion, as someone who has made his own stories, fanfiction is more difficult to write than an original story. I probably lost a couple of you there. Some of you are probably going, "but Mister Wizard, fanfiction involves stuff that's already made! How is making something yourself easier than writing something using another person's characters?" Well that's just it, my friend! The character's you use in fanfic aren't yours, unless they're an OC. With your own characters, you can make everything up yourself. You have the freedom to make what you want. With fanfiction, not so much. You're borrowing characters, places, and ideas from another person and building a story around them. Everything you write is based off another person. So how does this make fanfiction difficult to write? The best Fanfiction writers, in my opinion, are the one's that are faithful to the source material. They try not to stray too far into the realm of OOC. They write the stories that make people think, "I wish this were canon" or "Everyone seems so in character". They are the ones that stir the imagination, and allow people to create their own headcanon. Everything that a good fanfiction writer creates gives the reader a chance to feel like they were reading something official, something the author/creator of the original story would write. A Fanfiction writer has to channel the source material to a degree. They have to know the character's they're writing for inside and out. They need to be to make it believable. It's no wonder the best fanfiction comes from those who love the source material dearly. People scoff at us fanfiction writers, call us a bunch of nerds that are engrossed in a dreamland. They say fanfiction is only written by novices who can't write; that most of it is badly written smut and the like. Well, I disagree entirely. There's a lot of bad fanfiction out there, but there's also a ton of amazing fanfiction. Stories that exceed the original story. May 9, 2020 It’s quite strange to think that I haven’t updated this in 2 years. Well, seeing as how I have the time to waste, I may as well write something here. It’s 4:15 A.M as of writing this particular sentence. I’m restless as all hell, and I’ve got nothing better to do. Every now and then, take a look at yourself and ask yourself, “am I doing what I want to? Am I taking the steps necessary to be who I want to be; do what I want to do?” I mean, we all know at least one person that was willing to settle for less than what they wanted, and you tell me if they’re happy with where they ended up. I recently came to a conclusion about the phrase, “you can do both.” It’s a rather innocuous phrase on it’s own—in context, it refers to the ability to have a hobby and a job; something I suppose we all want in life. For me, that ‘hobby’ is drawing and writing; something I want to make a career. Well, because neither are particularly stable careers, I’ve been told that I should pursue work elsewhere, do other things. Sure, I can enjoy drawing and writing on the side, but I can’t do that on it’s own; hence the phrase, “you can do both.” Well, can you really do both? Time is finite; we only have so many hours in a day. I suppose, what I’m trying to say is that we all have to make a decision when it comes to what we do with our life. Do we sacrifice the passion we have for things that CAN be turned into a career, or the stability of something else? That’s one tangent I have, I might write out another in the future, who knows? Anyway, PM me if you have any questions. I have a discord you can message me at too. “Wizard can't name things” is the username. I’m gonna try to get some sleep instead of pondering the freakin’ meaning to life, or some other crap... |