![]() Author has written 4 stories for Hunger Games. Hi, guys! It’s Liv over here... I'm going to do this Q&A style, so... Here we go ;) Why did you join fanfiction.net? Honestly? It kinda just happened. Spanish is my first language, so in order to improve my English, I started downloading a bunch of books/watching a bunch of movies written/subtitled in that language. I bumped into the Hunger Games one day and, while I was watching Catching Fire for the third time that week, I thought: "Hm... Effie took Haymitch's hand with far too much enthusiasm in that I'll get you boys something gold scene... What if they had a relationship going on in a parallel universe or something?" So I took my laptop and typed "Haymitch x Effie" on my search bar and this wonderful site showed up at the top of the list of results. I read everything about my beloved Hayffie (because I told you before: I'm that kind of fan who gets obsessed and at the time these guys were everything I needed in my life and I just didn't know it) and a whole lot of other works from other fandoms (which someday I'll write about, I promise) and I just felt the pull in my guts to write something too. And since this is a place to share our madness about stories the filmmakers/authors seemed to overlook when they were doing their job, here I am! So, what, you watched the Hunger Games way later than any other teenager of the world? Well, in my country I'm not considered a teenager anymore, but yes. I actually hadn't watched any YA fiction movie until my friends from college said "Whaaat? You haven't watched [insert any - literally, any - YA fiction movie here] yet? Gosh, you're so weird... Here, we made you a list." And the same thing happened when I said I hadn't read the books either. So basically, I only caught up with the dystopian trend last year and in, like, two weeks, and you know what? I loved it. Your country? Where are you from? I’m from Chile. Which kind of explains why I hadn’t read anything yet: the books here (and by that, I mean the actual books, paper and ink) are really, really expensive and, as a student who doesn’t have a job, I’m not that wealthy to buy every book I fall in love with. Also, the movies are premiered here way later than in the rest of the world (well, maybe not the whole world, but a six-month delay is a respectable amount of time, isn’t it?), so… What were you reading/watching then? Jeez, that's a tough one... Well, I read mystery. Lots and lots of mystery. Anything that gives me a riddle to solve makes me shriek in joy... I guess that's why I decided to write and publish Last Man Standing (LMS, in the future; I don't want to type the whole title every time)... And as for the watching, I would say I'm more of a TV girl, so, as I believe you already guessed, I used to spend my nights watching episodes of CSI (all of them), NCIS, The Mentalist and whatever kept me on my toes trying to solve a crime. I'm also a HUGE fan of Friends, but I don't think I'm funny enough to go writing down that road. Not yet, anyway. What about the CSI series? Do you think you'll write something about that? Not any time soon, no. But who knows? Maybe I'll wake up feeling mad inspired tomorrow and I'll do it... Although, if you think about it, I currently am writing something of sort, I mean... I’m already killing people in LMS and my two main characters are cops, so... Speaking of LMS, when you started updating chapters, you used to do it every six days, and now it takes you a good few weeks... Oh, I know! And it's killing me! I hate being late... I also hate to disappoint those people who are following the story by publishing less frequently, so I'm a mess right now... What happened? College, that's what happened. I've been very busy studying for the ton of tests I have to take and I have next to no spare time, so I think it'll take a little longer than I expected to reach the end of the story. How long? I don't know. I should have finished it before I started publishing... But again, it just happened. There is something called The Save Button, you know... It's very helpful. Yeah, I know... I'm trying to use it more often, I promise... But I like to keep it spontaneous. I have this idea for the story, I write it, proofread it and update it as soon as possible before it get lost in the recesses of my brain... But it’s not like I don’t have a plan for the story; I know how it ends and how many chapters I want it to have, but I prefer to let it flow from my mind right to the sheet. Lastly, what would you like to say to the people who read and follow your stories? First of all, I’d like to thank everybody for reading and for the support they’ve given me. LMS is my first story ever published and it has been very well received so far, which fuels me to keep writing. I know I’ve been a little off lately and I apologize to everyone who has thought I’m abandoning the story, but don’t worry. I’m still here, alive and kicking, so watch out for what’s coming. I really hope you like it. I also owe a huge, HUGE thank you to all those people who read, liked, reviewed and/or favorited my other stories. You always give me extra motivation to write with your coments. (Fun fact: when Ellana-San reviewed AND favorited Home, I was so stactic telling everybody that the president of the Hayffie fandom had liked my job that I forgot to say a proper thank you, so Ellana, if you ever read this, I'm sorry I never responded but I love your writing so much I'm constantly leaving annonymus asks at your Tumblr page :) I don't own a Tumblr page myself, but it's better this way, isn't it? This way you don't think I'm a weird stalker...) Well, that’s that. :) If any of you guys wants to know something about me or about my stories, do not hesitate and PM me. I'll be happy to respond :) Oh! And for those who read this, there’s an extra big, fat lot of love here for you, guys. Thank you for reading this as well :) |