Author has written 4 stories for Fruits Basket, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and Fairy Tail. Hi, I'm Midnight Rose. You can just call me Midnight. Or Rose, if you like. This is the part where I do the whole 'about me' thing, right? Ok well, let's see. I'm 21, I live in Australia and I'm an aspiring writer. I do have original ideas and characters but for now I'm focusing on creating fanfiction, to improve my skills. I hope you like what I have so far. And feel free to message me anytime. I also have a Facebook account so I can post updates and stuff, it's called MidnightRose Blake. Feel free to add it. Just don't send me gross pictures or messages or anything like that because you will be blocked. I'm open to any suggestions you might have, I actually encourage you to send them to me. I'll probably try to incorporate them into my stories. Thanks for reading my profile and I'm looking forward to reading anything you have to say. Sincerely, Midnight. |
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