Author has written 2 stories for X-Men: The Movie. My name is Lucy, I'm one of those people who suck at everything and anything, and to make it worse, I'm friends with atheletes and academics. Heck, I have the right to a be a sarcastic, pesimistic skitsofrenic weirdo. Ok, overstatemeant but I could be if i wanted to beee... Uh, well, here are the things i like do: Art, i love painting and sketching, drama, cooking, writing, history, i can doo about 10 different accents including my own one which is australian AND I DON'T SOUND LIKE STEVE IRWIN! apparently I'm funny, but i don't know what everyones on. I dream of being a producer/director/actress who owns a fashion lable and a restaurant. Will it happen? Damn straight! well, no one thinks it will so maybe not... |