![]() Author has written 5 stories for Dragon Ball Z. "Heyy ya'll, it's great to see that someone is reading my profile. You might have heard of me if you have seen my site. If not, then log onto it and sign my guestbook. To start utmost of my fanfictions are about Trunks and Goten. Why? Because they are cool. Ya, damn right! Some of them are about them being together and some are not. Real quick, sometimes I will write about the most random shit so be ready. I don't know how I got into them, but I did so there! lol fine ill tell ya. Well, ya see, a friend of mine came up to me like two years ago and introduced me to this show. At first I thought it would be queer 'cuz it was a cartoon, but hey, that is what I thought about Family Guy too. *winks* Anyway, I watched a couple episodes then got hooked. I always admired Vegeta, especially during the Frieza Saga. I admired his strength, motivation, and most of all, his pride. Sure, he was a cocky sucker but hey, it's VEGETA. I mean, come on, just look at him! He like, makes Terrence Murphy look puwny. He's AWESOME!! Uhh, if you don't know who Terrence Murphy is, then you are OBVIOUSLY not an Texas Aggie. *crosses arm in pout* I feel I'm the only one in this entire site who enjoys football, much to say PLAYS it!!! That's right! 9-1 Anderson High baby!! Go Trojans!!! Well, okay, 9-1 FRESHMAN Anderson High, but hey, we are 5A football, and we are taking on people like Hays and Westlake. Give us some credit, I mean, our Varsity went 2-8 this season. FRESHMEN deserve the cheers!! By the way I'm a freshman. Yai Freshmen!! But ya, anyway, back to football I mean...trunks and goten. But ya, after that saga I was like OMG THIS IS AWESOME! So I watched the Cell Saga, really liked Future Trunks in that, and then the Buu Saga, where Vegeta kinda lost his fame. I mean, him and Goku were like, friends now. That like, ruined the whole pride thing, but that's okay, cuz that is what I would have done about them...eventually... So ya, then I see Trunks and Goten and they were awesome. I watched Movie 11 and saw Trunks and Goten fighting Brolly, getting their asses kicked but still fighting him. So I was like, ya, that's awesome. Then I made a website, at http:///dragon2/dbz_aggie/index.html. Am I trying to promote it? Uhh...maybe. Yes, ur no, but ya, visit the site if you wanna be cool. Do you wanna be cool? Yes? That's what I thought. Oh ya, to the fags who said no, since there are always one or two,well, you can all go to hell! lol Just kidding, but I mean really, check out my site and sign me guestbook. ^_^ Okay...so ya, my profile is belooowwww so read it. If you have any questions for me just call 845...just kidding, just e-mail me." -Cliff in '05 Oh, wow. x) Ever totally abandon something for a few years then just go 'Hey, I think I wanna look at that again! Yup, totally me right now, reading a profile I posted five years ago, definitely blowing off the cob webs of that stuff! :P A lot of things have changed, but my love for Trunks and Goten is still second to none! After reading a few reviews about some of my old fics, I was tempted to come back and have a fanfic relapse! :3 I definitely feel old now. Name: Dan Chapman Race: Caucasian Age: 20 (Account founded at age 15) Location: Around Eye Color: Green (and no, I'm not a super saiyan, still wish i was though) Hair Color: Brown Power Level: Uuuuumm... :D Likes: DBZ, Phantom of the Opera, Fairly Odd Parents, Trunks and Goten, football, football, football, more football...oh ya! and of course, making fanfiction. Did I mention football? xD and a little soccer why not? :P Dislikes: Mean people. :/ Most Requested Bands: Linkin Park, Goo Goo Dolls, Third Eye Blind, Michael Buble, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Guns N' Roses, ACDC (Damn right!!) Favorite Songs: ('05, '10) The Beauty Underneath by Andrew Lloyd Webber You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC Back in Black by AC/DC Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue by Toby Keith Sway by Michael Buble American Soldier by Toby Keith Devil May Care by Diana Krall Raise Up by Saliva* All The Things I've Done by the Killers Click Click Boom by Saliva Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z Always by Saliva Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble Points of Authority by Linkin Park* The Music of the Night by Andrew Lloyd Webber One Step Closer by Linkin Park September by Earth Wind & Fire In The End by Linkin Park The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber Nobody's Listening by Linkin Park and the rest of their songs. ^_^ My Heart Goes Boom by French Affair Live and Let Die by Guns N' Roses Crawl Back In by Dead by Sunrise Paridise City by Guns N' Roses* On Her Majesty's Secret Service by John Barry Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses Venus by Shocking Blue Alive by P.O.D. Well, that's all that I can think of at the top of my head. Actually, that is probably a tenth of all the songs in my head right now, but these are favorites. Favorite Animes: ('05, '10) Gravitation Naruto Sensitive Pornograph (Adult time, children! Turn your innocent eyes away!) xD Favorite Cartoons: ('05, '10) Fairly Odd Parents Danny Phantom Sonic the Hedgehog Most Requested Movies: ('05, '10) Casino Royale American Psycho Cube Friends of : Favorite Book: Devil May Care Contact: YIM: Cliffdagreat AIM: Isdrevil Real quick, for any of ya'll who are wondering what happened to my fic "Chibis Meet Freddy Kruger", some guy from fanfiction.net decided to himself that Freddy was a real person and since you cant have non-fictional characters in these fics, he removed it w/out even giving me a warning. I'll say right now, that's a bitch. Since I don't have the fic saved to my computer, it is gone for good. srry, but i hate it just as much. I spent two months writing that. Ah well, shrug it off. hey, for any of ya'll who would like to talk, send me an email, or if you have AIM, then talk to me on that! my screen name is GreatChapman. somebody talk to me... Friends of : |