Author has written 4 stories for Spider-Man, and Harry Potter. --'Ello, all. This is a joint account, created for the sole purpose of tossing stories written by myself--Chevira Lowe, and my Something, Alena Kalor, AKA Fire Tears-- out into the general public. We'll write for whatever fandom strikes our fancy, so all's well in that respect. If you like our work, yay, props to you. If you don't, that's not our fault. If you think us cruel or unintelligent, bugger off. We stick as close to canon as possible, and any discrepancies aren't likely to be written away on our artistic liscence. We like realism, donchaknow. (Well, as much realism as can be garnered from our fandoms, anyways). That's it for now. (P.S. Alena's the nice one. I'm the hypocritical bitch. Easy enough to keep us straight, yes?) Keep in mind that criticism is the highest possible praise. And please, no mindless reviews. We're here to improve, not recieve squeeing, meaningless praise from dithering fangirls. |