Author has written 4 stories for Sailor Moon. Hi, peoples! My name is Jessica! You can call me Jess-Jess! Or Jess! Or anything else you want! I'm a writer (duh), and I like... Writing stuff (duh, again)! And singing. I'm writing a total of...2 stories! I've also completed 1 story. Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, but don't burst my bubble. My bubble is nice. My bubble is the place where you go when you want to escape from the world, and the harsh reality we live in. There, almost everything that has to do with nature is made of chocolate, and it rains marshmallows every 10-20 minutes! Yes, my bubble is a nice place to live in. Ooh, check this out! I got it from a Japanese name translator thingy! 遠藤 Endoh (distant wisteria) 恵美 Emi (blessed with beauty) Yep! That's my name in Japanese! Cool, huh? Although, I don't agree with the Emi part... Here's the link to the website that I got it from. http:///widgets/toys/namegen/969/ Well, that's all I feel like typing! Bye bye! January 30, 2007 Okay, just to let you all know, I'M STILL ALIVE!! I hope to get an update for Bathtime up THIS WEEK. Also, I have another serious story idea in my head, and I'm debating on whether or not to write and post it. October 14, 2006 Man guys! It's been a while, eh? Well, I just got the new chapter of Bathtime posted (finally). And I updated Sincere Darkness a couple of days ago, so make sure to check both of them out and leave a review! I am really sorry about the delays. Life can be such a pain sometimes. July 3, 2006 Ok. I have posted a new chapter on both Bathtime and Sincere Darkness. I have noticed that although my stories have a good number of hits, they don't have that many reviews. I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but I have to say something about this. Is it because people are too lazy to log in? I've made it so that Annonymous reviews can be sent in, so it wouldn't take up too much time. Is it because people just don't know what to say? All I ask is a review that is at least one word long. A review that reads 'good' or 'bad' will satisfy me. Is it because people glance through the first few sentences, conclude that the story's crap, and looks for another one without evening finishing the chapter? This is what I keep asking myself. Do most people not even bother to finish reading a chapter because they think it's a waste of their time to finish reading it, much less send a review about it? I'm trying to be really lenient about the reviews, everyone. I really am. All I ask is for a little comment about my stories, just to let me know if I'm wasting my time, and more importantly, space on Please, tell me what you think of my stories. If you want to send me your reviews through email, that's fine with me. I just want to know what other people think of my stories. To those of you who have been reviewing my stories, I thank you! Reviewers, you're the reason I even bother opening up a document half the time! Your reviews really make my day! Thank you, thank you, thank you! June 29, 2006 Okay. I know that I have yet to post 16th chapter of Sincere Darkness, and I'm working on it. But I have also just posted a new story, Bathtime. It is my first non-tragic story to be posted on here, and I hope that it'll draw in some more reviews. Otherwise, I won't even bother continuing it. June 2, 2006 Ok. I just posted a new story, Dying Angel, yesterday. Please read it and review! I have the 15th chapter of Sincere Darkness done and ready to be posted, but the document manager won't accept it for some reason. I'll try again tomorrow. Also, I am planning on posting another story soon, but it won't be tragic. Instead, it will be humorous! Keep a lookout for it over the next few days! May 22, 2006 Wow, I'm updating! Yeah, it's not my story, but whatever. Now, about my story. Don't worry, I haven't given up on it. I will NOT give up on it. I've just hit a point where my brains kinda dead right now, because I don't want to rush into the rest of the plot too much. But I have two or three other story ideas that are just begging to be written and/or typed, but I don't want to be killed because I put Sincere Darkness on hold for the sake of writing another story. Oh. And final exams don't improve the situation that much. But good news about that! Last two exams are tomorrow, AKA the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHOOO! You know what that means? More time to write! Now, all I have to do is not be lazy! |