Author has written 5 stories for Beyblade, Resident Evil, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Warcraft, and Storm Hawks. It's been a long time since I last came to . As of 2007, I am now no longer Lizard90, that name has lost its shine and so I have moved on to the title DragonCount. For those wondering if I'll ever finish RE: Genome, I'm afraid I've quit much of any fanfiction writing, unless I'm very bored. RE: Genome was my prime achievement, until I decided to expand my writing further than as a plain fanfic writer. For years I've contemplated on becoming a professional writer, and my first sci-fi/horror book is in the making. Maybe one day people all over the world can have a look at it. About myself: Name Joonas Sinkkonen Age: 19 Born: 17. 01. 1990 Nationality: Finnish (and not happy) Hobbies: Exercising, writing in general, drawing, collecting mangas and videogames Five most favorite things in the world: my girlfriend, exercising, art, anime and videogames Favorite videogame series: Resident Evil (the movies suck), Metal Gear Solid (Why does Snake have to be old in 4?), Silent Hill (confusing, yet fricking creepy), Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Halo, Half-Life, Fallout 3 (I swear it's more addicting than WoW!) and World of Warcraft Favorite music group: rock, hard rock, heavy metal and death metal Favorite bands: Powerman 5000, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Lordi, Children of Bodom, Korn, Cradle of Filth, Ramstein, Nightwish and 69 Eyes. Favorite animes: Buso Renkin, Rurouni Kenshin, the .hack series, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's (Not the 4kids dub!!) Favorite non-anime shows: Beavis and Butt-Head, Drawn Together, South Park, The Simpsons, American Dad, Storm Hawks and Autocrats (A Finnish 3D animated series titled "Itsevaltiaat" in Finnish) Stories done: Beyblade: Biovolt returns (I have lost my interest on Beyblade, but I keep it there for the heck of it. Someone might find it good.) Stories deleted: All Digimon and Beyblade works except Biovolt Returns. Resident Evil 5: A new aspect of horror (It wasn't anything like RE and I was skipping ahead before using my head. Blame me I don't care, I'm re-doing it later and it'll be completely different. I still have the urge to smack myself from time to time because of it.) Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Heart of Darkness Stories no longer continued: Resident Evil: Genome (my prime achievement here on ff.) Stories working on: Storm Hawks: Depths of the Gem God Stories to come: Don't bet much on it. DragonCount: "I will only write fanfiction when my book ideas hit the wall or I simply happend to have writer's block!" |