Author has written 90 stories for Smallville, Misc. Movies, Charmed, Lord of the Rings, X-Men: The Movie, Sentinel, Moulin Rouge, Stargate: SG-1, Joan Of Arcadia, Highlander, Angel, Stargate: Atlantis, Michael Crichton, Phantom of the Opera, Supernatural, X-overs, Covenant, Heroes, Twilight, TV X-overs, Terminator, Mentalist, and Once Upon a Time. You want to know all about me? Really? *Blushes* Wow...I'm flattered. I really am.:D Well, my love affair with fan fiction began when I was eighteen. I discovered Highlander fan fic and couldn't get enough of it. After that, I started reading Backstreet Boys fan fiction, and that's where I started writing.Recently, I've expanded from my Backstreet roots and have become interested in "Moulin Rouge", "Smallville", "Charmed", "Lord of the Rings", "X-Men", and so on and so forth. I hope you enjoy my stories and, if you have the time, send some feedback. |