Author has written 6 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy IX, and Kingdom Hearts. ...Do you really wanna know? About me (and there is a lot to tell... but you'll likely fall asleep or explode or something) Name: The Honorable Fat Lady Judge Shelby Shelby Lee McBee 2 + 1 3/4 gallons: the Temptress of Cookies/Bananaphone pi/6 AKA Boshi Phoebe Megan Xiao Qiao Elena Milenia Rosa Pilar Maldonado Mashoo, the Starry-Nosed Meatball Head Oki. Im planning on working on these in the future. Future is unknown, and demands only make the Shelby angry and wanting to bite you. The Gem Of Two Souls- (no realtionship to Inuyasha) LoM, with lotsa Jumi. In fact, it's all about them! This ones gonna be a multi-chappy one for sure. But I've got another one to finish before then... The Dream- CC, and a lotta confusion as well. Yes, I know its up already, but this is my first story story since my mini-novella. Give me time. I know the end, must find the middle. Behind the Door- KH (before CoM), and Riku is PISSED! Now who wants to be locked behind a door with some Heartless and Mickey? I know I wouldnt! Hes gonna kill stuff and its gonna be cool. Yay for starting! This one is prolly gonna get the most attention from me, in case you were wondering. I am so almost done with Chappy 3, its not even funny. And since you people like them SO much, ima do more of the "sonalogues" (monologues/stories based offa song)! Future subjects will prolly be Freya, Squall, Terra, Celes, Shadow, Paine, and maybe Kairi(ugh). Woo! If there are any other characters that should be displayed, lemme know. NEW IDEA! The Seven Deadly Sins, each represented by a different FF villain. I've got all but Sloth... HOLY CRAP! THEY ALL HAVE WHITE HAIR! IT'S LIKE YOU HAVE AN ALBINO OBSESSION!-Xamona paraphrased because that was a few months ago and I dun remember rightly Well I do, but some dont have white hair. And note that all of them arent listed here. And for all my fans (if any), sorry for lack of updates. High school is a busy place... and free-writing is kinda rare... so yeah. And please review what I have! That way I am inspired to do more (that and know what I'm screwing up on)! |